Chapter fifteen

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We got off the the giant eye a while later and decided to take a walk around London. We walked along the shops when a though occurred to me. "You know what?" I said aloud.

"What?" Droned El, rolling her eyes.

"I don't have a phone." I state making it sound like it was the worst thing on earth.

"Neither you do!" Hannah said obviously realising that in fact I didn't.

"Eleanor?....." I said slowly, smiling sheepishly. "Please can I get a phone?....." She gave me a blank look and I pouted my lip but she stayed silent. "Eleanor!" I whined. She groaned at me and Louis laughed a little.

"Fine. Where's the damn phone shop?" She asked grumpily even though I could see a smile was playing on her lips. I pointed in the direction of the shop across the road.

"It's in that one direction!" I said and slapped my knee comically. Everyone stared at me weirdly. "You were supposed to laugh at that." I stated and walked away from them and across the street dodging a few cars here and there.

Eventually everyone caught up with me and I walked into the shop like I owned the place. "Hello, can I help you at all?" An assistant asked walking up to us. My new found confidence drained away and I looked behind me and I looked behind me for support.

"My girlfriends sister would like to buy a phone?" Louis said walking up and putting his hands on my shoulders, "what phone do you think would be the best?"

"Oh well it all depends." The assistant started, "if your doing business a lot I recommend maybe a blackberry or something of similar styles but if its more just a regular phone maybe something a bit more up to date. We jut got a brand new stock of IPhones if your interested?" The assistant who's name was apparently Olivia but you never really can tell.

"I think it's more just kind of regular." Louis spoke for me, "I'm sure an IPhone would be a good fit. Something simple for this one." He joke and pointed at me and everyone laughed.

Everyone wandered off and Louis and El came with me to pick which phone I wanted.

"So we have a few different styles, which one would you prefer?" Olivia the assistant said to us.

"Which one do you like?" El asked me.

"I like that one the best." I said pointing to the IPhone 5s.

"This one then?" Olivia asked and I nodded. "I'll go ring this up at that cash desk then." She said and we followed her to the tills.

"Okay so that's £450 please?" She asked. I slapped my legs pretending to look for money.

"Oh dearest sister, I appear to have lost my cash, would you be ever so kind as to help me out and I shall pay you back?" I said in a posh accent and gave her the puppy dog eyes. Olivia and Louis laughed.

"Okay dearest sibling..." She smirked back at me and pulled her purse out her bag. She put her card in the little machine thingy and payed for my phone. Olivia handed me my phone in a small bag and I thanked her.

As we walked out the shop I hugged El and thanked her for buying me a phone. I really needed one ya know.

"We really should go for lunch?" Hannah suggested.

"Yeah!" We all agreed.

We decided upon this restraunt on a side street. I can't even remember what it called but I ordered a panini. I pulled my phone out of the box and began setting it up.

Once I'd got it working I began playing about on it. "Let's have a look?" Niall said putting his hand out.

"Hey, hey, hey." I said protections my new phone, "haven't you ever been to a museum, look at the exhibit, don't touch." I said to him and he laughed right in my face. I couldn't help it and I ended up laughing at my own comeback.

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