May the Odds Be Ever In Your Favor

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I felt pressure on my body and I felt like all the air was squashed out of me. I woke up and saw that Liam was laying on top of me and on top of him was Louie.
I heard Harry make this noise and saw that Niall and Zayn were on top of him. Niki was just standing in the corner laughing.
"You're squishing me and I can't breathe", I managed to get out. And they laughed. They got off of Harry and I and I sat up.
"Was that really necessary", I laughed taking in as much air as I could.
"Yeah. You two were going to over sleep and miss breakfast", Louie said and I shook my head no. Everyone seemed happy for a day like this.
"You guys should go get ready so we don't have to do it later", Liam said.
The boys were already dressed in their reaping outfits. So was Nikki. Her dark blue hair in a bun on her head and a white crop top and a turquoise skirt.
I got up off the bed and got out of Harry's room. I went to mine to change. I put on my jean shirt and my white skirt. The fabric kinda reminded me of a tutu.
I put on my black boots with heels and slipped on my necklaces and bracelets. Nikki helped me do my hair. There was a tiny braid on each side of my head and it met in the middle.
We went downstairs to eat breakfast with the boys. It was French toast and bacon. I wondered if the bacon went bad because it tasted funny.
"What is this?" I finally asked.
"Squirrel  jerky", Liam answered and Louie spit out in his plate and started washing his tounge with his napkin.
I was done eating after that. I kept drinking water to try and calm my stomach and to get the taste of squirrel jerky out of my mouth. We all talked try to distract ourselves but conversation died out quickly. We all sat on the couch and watched the news.
I couldn't help myself when I pulled a note pad and pencil out of a drawer and started sketching Nikki sitting on the couch with Liam.
Finally the clock struck 1 and we had to get going to the justice building where they are holding the reaping. I said a quick goodbye to my pets. I decided to slip my charm bracket over Mama as a collar. She could keep it. I wouldn't be needing it.
We all get in the big black van. They are still allowing us to use cars for some reason, but I rather not question it. It was a silent ride. We parked a block away from the building and walked the rest.
Harry took my shaking hand and held it in his impossible steady one. We reached what I guess what would be the square and we went to register. Louie said a quick bye and then stood on the outside of the ropes that I guess we're supposed to stand in.
After we've all been registered we're all directed to our right places in the ropes. Harry and I were separated. I'm with Nikki since we haven't turned 18 yet.
As time goes bye more people come. I recognize a few from town and I spot Aubrey in the line of kids behind me. That must mean the Mellark's are here and just as I think that Katniss and Peeta apear on the giant stage in front of us and take a seat. They're holding each other's hands.
Then the mayor comes out of nowhere with...I couldn't believe my eyes. Effie Trinket behind him. 15 year old me would be flipping out. They all took they're seats and watched as the spaces filled with children. Effie distracted me for a while and then I got back to reality and I felt like I was going to barf again. All I could do was look at the balls with paper slips on them and I wondered about how many said Aubrey and how many said Carson. Could it possibly be all of them?
It finally turned 2 o'clock, the mayor stands up and approaches the podium. He begins to talk about Panem's history and the rebellion, and then now.
"And to our savior, President Snow has announced he's still alive and took his spot back as our rightful President. Now he's setting the country to its rightful place", he finished.
Of course we all knew the story. I'm sure mostly everyone here has learned the truth about Panem.
Effie Trinket then stepped up to the podium and I got a full glimpse of what she was wearing. She wore a dress that had a swan on it. It was like a big puffy tutu in the bottom made out of soft feather and then the neck of the swan wrapped around her neck. Her eyelashes were made of feathers and her hair, or wig I should say, was wrapped in a tight bun in this orange color.
"Happy Hunger Games and may the odds be ever in your favor!" She announced and I flinched for some reason. She crosses to one of the bowls and says "Ladies first!"
Her accent is just how it is in the movie and it slightly bothers me.
She sticks her hand in the bowl and picks out a name. I couldn't believe this was really happening. She makes a quick face and then wipes it off.
"Aubrey Mellark", she calls. Of course this was really going to happen.
The kids moved aside so she could walk out and join Effie on the stage. This was my time. What do I do, when do I say I volunteer? What's happening? I started hyperventilating.
"Any volunteers?" Effie asks.
This was it. I was going to do it.
"I do", I said in a kinda quiet voice. Several heads snapped to look at me.
"I volunteer as tribute", I said and made a strangled squeal. I guessed it was supposed to be exciting but it came across mangled.
"Wonderful. Come up darling", she said and people moved out of my way. I made my way up the steps to the stairs and stood next to Effie.
"What's your name sweetie?" She asked.
"Lillian Galloway", I choked out.
"Lillian Galloway everyone!! The female tribute!" She says. There is only a few rounds of applause. It was slow in awkward like they didn't know if they were doing the right thing.
"Now for the male tribute!" She announces. I feel numb. I feel like this is all a dream. I'm going  to wake up and everything is going to be back to normal. My mom won't be dead, I'll be in twelve with Vanessa and Matthew, I'll be in school or working at the diner. With Vanessa and Matthew. They don't know what I've done....they have to watch me die.
"Carson Mellark!" Effie announces and there isn't even enough time to wait for people to see Carson when Harry announces he's volunteering.
"..Oh...well I guess we have...a volunteer. Come up here!" She says in her perky voice.
Harry makes his way up to the stage and stands on the other side of Effie.
"What's your name young man?" She asks.
"Harry styles." He says in a bored sort of tone. The crowd does a tiny gasp.
"Well let's give an applause to Harry Styles everyone!" Effie announces.
He gets the same sort of applause I got.
The mayor comes up and repeats that treaty thing and orders us to shake hands. We do and it feels awkward and weird to address him so formally.
When we let go peacekeepers in pearly white suits come on the stage and direct us to the brand new Justice building.
We are once again separated and I'm put into this room. It was a beautiful room with soft white couches and purple pillows. There are paintings on the wall and a tiny book case.
I couldn't believe I was already here. It had gone to fast. I was now supposed to say goodbye to my family/friends forever because I was never going to see them again.
The door opened and interrupted my thoughts. I turned around and was given a hug that almost made me fall. It was Aubrey.
"Thank you Lillian. For everything. I'll forever be in your debt," she said.
"Please don't thank me, I'm just trying to do what I think's right," I said not knowing what to say. I wasn't expecting her to come here.
"I'm going to go now. I don't want to take time away from your friends", she said and let go of the hug and left without another word. Then came in the guys.
They hugged me and stood like that for a while.
"Be careful", Liam said. He looked on the verge of tears. I nodded.
"I have to go see Harry, Lillian. Bye for now", he said and gave me another hug.
"I'll do everything I can to help you guys. Don't feel bad, you made the right choice", he whispered and let go. He left.
Zayn and Niall didn't know what to say and just hugged me and told me to take care. I didn't mind. I wouldn't know what to say either.
Louie came over and gave me another hug.
"If one of my sisters are there...."
"I'll keep an eye on them. I promise", I said and he nodded.
"Be careful Lillian. I know you're going to be just fine", he said. I nodded and gave him one last squeeze. He left and I sighed. I was alone for three seconds when Nikki burst through the door.
Nikki came over and gave me a hug to. She was crying and this was unusual for Nikki.
"Please be careful", she cries into my shoulder.
"How many times are you guys going to tell me that", I said trying to lighten the mood.
"I know you can make it. You've had training and your smart and fast. You'll make it and I know it", she said and I nodded my head even though I thought that was inaccurate.
"Take care of the guys, ok. You be careful and take care", I said.
She pulled away and looked at me.
"I'll try but I'm not promising anything." She said and I laughed a little. A guy came through the door and told Nikki to get out. She gave me one last hug and then was forced out of the room.
I was now alone. I wanted to cry. I wanted to say more to them but I couldn't. I didn't know what to say.
A peacekeeper came back for me and directed me to the back of the Justice building.
They're was a set of beautiful glass doors that had a train waiting right behind it. I guess no car ride to the train station. I was directed on the train.
Katniss, Peeta and Effie were already there. We were waiting on Harry and we stood there until he boarded the train. He hugged me as soon as he saw my and I buried my fave in his shoulder.
We let go only because off a noise Effie made and we looked at her.
"I would just like to let you know that you should enjoy your time on the train. Anything you need or want is at your command just ask. Your rooms are down the hallway, we will be arriving at the Capitol in 14 hours!" She says happily and I fight the urge to roll my eyes. That's when I noticed we were actually moving.
"Cmon Effie lets go talk in the sitting room and leave these two alone", Peeta says. I was so happy he got her off our backs.
Before Katniss leaves she gives me a hug and a quick thank you and the same to Harry and then follows Peeta and Effie to the sitting room.
We stand they're in the little alcove or foyer of the train. We decide to find our rooms and change so we head down the way Effie told us to go.
I went into mine. It was a simple room, but it was beautiful. I went to look out the window of the train and the whole outside was a blur.
I ran my hand through the soft blanket on my bed and then went in the set of drawers. All kinds of clothes were neatly folded. I picked out something that looked my size and went into the bathroom.
I stripped of my clothes and stepped into the shower. There was like an iPad built into the wall and I pressed the one that said on.
Water started to pour out of the shower head and wet me. Then the next option was a series of soaps. This was strange, but I enjoyed it. Mostly because I got to press a whole bunch of buttons.
When I was done I changed into the clothes I had picked out. They were these really soft pants with flowers on them and then this white shirt with ruffles.
I slipped on some flats. They were the only shoes here. I put back on my necklaces and walked out of the beautiful bedroom.
I followed the sound of voices and found the sitting room. I sat down next to Katniss and listened to Peeta talk about the twins.
"They're going to be staying with Annie", Peeta finished.
"Well I'm glad you two have finally got the life you deserve", she gushed.
Harry walked in and sat next to me. We listened to Effie talk about the "wonderful" things about the Capitol. She told Katniss about Gale and her mother. She just talked and talked until we were called to dinner.
We all sat down at the rectangular table. They served things I've never even heard of before, but it was all delicious. My favorite was dessert. We had some kind of chocolate lava cake and it was delicious.
After dinner we went back to the sitting room to watch the recap of the reaping. I really didn't want to watch me volunteer. This whole thing still seemed fake to me.
We watched District Ones reaping first since it went in order and I couldn't believe it. We watched as they're escort pulled a name out of the girls ball and called Charlotte Tomlinson. I couldn't believe it. Louie was right.
She looked scared and like she wanted to cry. I heard Louie's mom shriek. I wanted to cry just like her. I held on extra close to Harry.
The rest passed and I watched closely to District 12 and just to make matters worse guess who the two tributes were. Vanessa and Matthew. WHAT ARE THE ODDS!
So now I had to go into the arena with my two best friends, my boyfriend, and my best friends sister. This was going to be one interesting games. I couldn't believe this was really happening. I was going to have to kill my best friends.
I was squeezing Harry's hand so tight that he hand to pry my hand away and put his hand on my fist.
I promised myself not going to cry and I wasn't. I needed to be my hard headed, sarcastic self. I didn't want a tear to slip out of my eye.
I watched Harry and I volunteer and then the program ended with some guy talking. I didn't pay attention, and thought about what I was going to have to do in the arena.
The others went to bed  while Harry and I sat there.
"Harry. What are we going to do?" I asked in a small voice.
"I don't know, but we'll figure it out. Some how.... For now, when did you get all that strength from", He said trying to take my mind off of the games and it worked. He stretched out his hand.
"Good question", I laughed.
"Cmon we should go to bed. Tomorrow you get a make over", he teased.
"So do you", I said getting up.
"That's true I guess but I'm used to it. I wonder what they'll do for District 13 costumes", he said.
District 13 theme for this year only was stars since all the superstars lived in 13. Since not everything is back to normal Snow was going to use what we are known for now. For example district 12 is going to be diners.
I said good night to Harry and went into my room. I changed into something comfortable. I crawled under the soft blanket and tried to clear my mind. I don't want any nightmares and it worked. That night I dreamt of nothing but darkness.

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