Bon Voyage District 12!

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I finished drawing my my picture and I held it up to admire my work. I thought my art was ok, but not as great as everyone says it is. My phone started buzzing and I went to go see who it was.
HARRY: Can you come to Frank's to come meet Vanessa and I about something important
LILLIAN: You and Vanessa? Um ok, when?
HARRY: um in about twenty minutes
I got up and went in my room to start getting done. I put on a white shirt and my blue leather jacket I put on my skinny jeans and my long brown leather boots.
I grabbed my jacket my phone and my keys and got in my car. I drove to Frank's and got there about fifteen minutes later. I walked in and the lady who sits people started asking me questions.
"Hello, how many?"
"Um I'm actually here to meet up with some friends", I said and she looked down at her papers.
"Are you Lillian?"
"Ok well they are right over there. Can I get you something to drink?"
"Yeah I'll take a Root Beer please", I said.
I walked over to where the lady pointed and had a seat across from Harry and Vanessa.
"Hey", said Vanessa.
"Hey", I replied.
"So how are you?" Asked Harry.
"And answer honestly. No saying I'm fine, or I'm ok, or the same", said Vanessa.
"So how are you?" Said Harry again.
"I'm fi....."
"No. I told you don't tell us your fine. Tell us how you really are."
I took a moment to figure out how I really was.
"I'm.......I don't know. I'm..I'm...", I started.
"Your sad", said Vanessa.
"Lonely", said Harry.
"Miserable", said Vanessa.
"Depressed", said Harry.
"Gloomy", said Vanessa.
".....uh....." Harry checked his hand and said,"dejected."
Vanessa rolled her eyes and said, "I think she gets the point."
"I'm not any of those things. I'm just ok. What would make you think that I am?"
"Well the fact that you haven't made a joke nor smiled in a few weeks says something", said Vanessa.
"And that you rarely hang out or talk with us very much", said Harry.
"So? What is this is about?" I asked.
"Lillian you haven't been the same since your mom died. We miss the old Lillian. The one who's sarcastic all the time and is always making people laugh", said Vanessa.
"Yeah so we made a solution, but we can't help until you tell us how you really are", said Harry.
"But guys...."
"Lil come on. Why have you been sad for a whole three weeks?" Asked Vanessa.
Has it really been three weeks?
"Well I don't really know? I just keep getting reminded of her. There's just too many memories I guess. I'll just take a short walk and I'm reminded of things we did together", I said.
"There we go. So now for our awesome solution. Now do you think that if you moved out of 12, you would be like the normal Lillian", said Vanessa.
"I guess, but I can't just move to a different district and I don't feel comfortable living by myself", I replied.
"Well that's why the boys and I are ok with you coming to live with us until you get a little home sick and wanna go back", said Harry.
"What!?! Really?" I asked.
"Yeah. You can come live with us so you can get a little break from 12. You can become a citizen and stay as long as you want", said Harry.
"No. No I couldn't do that. That's like barging into a random persons house and saying I'm going to live here now", I said.
"Lillian we want you to though. We need a girls touch in that house. And then this way we can keep dating", said Harry.
I almost forgot he didn't live in 12.
"Ok.....but what about school?" I asked.
"Well your going to graduate in May so you'll be fine because that's when we have to leave anyway. And if you want to go to college you can go there", said Harry.
"Yeah but what about you and Matthew?" I asked Vanessa.
"We'll be fine. Plus now I'll have an excuse to go visit district 13. I heard its beautiful with warm climates all year round", she said.
"So what do you say? You want to take a year long Vacation to 13 and come live with us?" Asked Harry.
"Um.........are you sure I won't be a bother to you and the boys?"
"Definitely not to me and the boys agreed to do it Please Lil", he begged.
"Well if you guys don't mind than....yeah I would love to take a vacation to 13", I said and they both smiled.
"Great, I'll have the old Lillian back in no time", said Vanessa.
"Yay, I get my girlfriend back!!" Screamed Harry.
The word girlfriend made me smile.
"Look Vanessa, the fact that she's getting out of this town made her smile. She's coming back to us!" Said Harry.
I chuckled at his stupidness and Vanessa smiled. Then he turned around and told the people behind us that his girlfriend was smiling. I shook my head no and Vanessa stuck her face on her hands.
I took my smile off my face as I remembered the time when a waiter here started flirting with my mom.
"Huh?" I said.
"We lost her again. It's ok though, once we leave this place everything is going back to normal", said Harry.
I nodded my head and listened to the conversation Harry and Vanessa had about something. Ok so I wasn't listening. I was thinking about her again. I pushed the memories out of my head and thought about how soon I was going to go live with the boys and not have to think of her. How it was just going up be me and One Direction. No more sad old new memories, only new and happy ones.

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