The actual chapter 16

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"JOHN!" I cried as I ran to the smiling, ALIVE, John Laurens. "You're alive?" I wrap my arms around  his warm torso. I cry into his shoulder. He looks at me.

"I'm most definitely alive love." He whispers into my neck. I can't stop crying. John is alive, John is alive, John is alive. John is in my arms. I'm holding hi in my arms. "I'm not going anywhere Alex."

"Don't ever leave again. Got it?" I sob into his chest.

"John? JOHN!" Angie and Vienna run into the room. Angie smiles at me, and I hug her tightly.

"Thank you. Thank you." I can't stop crying as I hug everyone that comes into the room. I don't know how to feel. Angie hugs Eliza a little longer than normal, but I hardly notice. John is alive. Sparks are flying around the room as John hugs everyone and I hug John and we laugh and cry and yell.

"Did my father visit?" John says quietly after a while. I freeze. My lower back still aches. His words still sting. I can only nod. "Well, I hope Hercules finally gave him the beating he deserved." Hercules only looked at me. My fist had collided with his face. A few times. Before I was left on the ground.

"Well, I may have punched him after Alex did." Vienna said mischievously. Eliza looks at her grinning. "Eliza too."

"Lets just say Henry isn't going to be bothering us anytime soon." Eliza matches Vienna's tone.

"Do I want to know?" John asks. Nobody faces him. I know for a fact everyone in this room had punched, hit, or kicked Henry while he was here. Then Washington walked in.

"I'm glad you're alive son. The cops over at the precinct were trying to erase the board where we kept track of who arrested you most, but I couldn't let them. It would've been like letting you die."

"Alex over here bugged every single one of your doctors until they let him stay." Angie said quietly. Giggling to herself. "Oh, how rude, I'm Angie. This is my little sister? Child? Whatever,  this is Vienna," She pointed at the kid across the room, "But I think you already know her, at least that's what she says."

"Vienna?" John said quietly.

"Small world Turtle boy."

"Hercules made you a stuffed turtle!" Lafayette giggles loudly.

"Lafayette, with his Marquis title, bought a Turtle Sanctuary, and named it The Laurens Turtle Retreat." Hercules shot back.

All I can do is look at the smiling, vibrant, alive, John Laurens and smile.

I'm not sorry for last chapter. I'm really not. It was a way to break me out of a funk. I promise the chapters will get longer, and shit.


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