Chapter 16

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"John!" I yelled as the doctor unplugged the machine of a breathing John. He wasn't awake, just asleep, unresponsive.  I ran over and looked down at his color-drained face. He was breathing on his own, just not waking up. "What's going on?" I never looked up from his freckles as the sound of a heart monitor flat lining rang out beside me. I was thrown back against the wall Angie and the doctor tried to save him. I started to cry. Too late. I was too late. I ran out of the room, I couldn't take it. I felt a hand on my shoulder. Vienna.

"Alex." Vienna whispers. I turn around and see Angie and the doctor. Angie looks like she's been crying.

"I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry Alex." Angie cries. John. Gone. Dead. Not alive.

"Alex come on." Vienna sniffled.  She lead me back to John's room. I didn't dare look up. I was alone with him. With a corpse. I took the cold hand on the table and held it.

"Love?" I whisper hoarsely. "I think you didn't deserve this. That you didn't deserve to die. That you didn't deserve your father's hate. I believe in you. I believe you should have lived. I would give anything to be where you are, too save you, to be in your place. I love you John Laurens."


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