MTMTE Senator Shockwave X Cybertronian! Femme! Reader X Orion Pax

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Notes: This will occur in pre-war cybertron and the MTMTE mechs were anything other than gentle and caring for their femme companions. And orion pax is optimus prime before he became a prime.

Warnings: Sexual harassment, absolutely no fluff Orion just wants to use you, so don't take his sweet and kind behavior seriously because this is not a fluff lemon, sexual assualt, sexual abuse within a relationship and finally rape. And may be slightly long.

You onlined your bright blue optics to wake up to the sight of your mate still recharging. You sighed and happily made your way to the cleansing stations. For the first time since you two had been together you didn't wake up from his spike roughly entering your folds and claiming you before you two went on to work for the orbital cycle ahead. You've quite frankly gotten very sick of it. When Orion asked you to be his mate he didn't state he'd constantly use you and then push you aside when he was finished, leaving you to clean his mess from between your legs.

That was just it, no snuggling, no foreplay, just a rough frag and then you're pushed aside like you're nothing. You talked to him about the situation whenever you could but he'd always excuse it and then call you beautiful and buy you something. This was not the relationship you wanted but every mech on the whole planet was either like him or completely worse. You were yanked from your thoughts about your sexually abusive mate when Orion climbed into the same cleansing station as you. You ignored his remarks about your armorless frame and continued to clean between your wires and plating.

"Are you really going to ignore me my beautiful princess?" You rolled your optics at him and pecked him on the side of his face plates so he wouldnt pester you with sexual innuendos.

After a few minutes of him getting 'grabby' in the cleansing station you got out and put your now polished armor back on to your wet frame. Orion watched you get ready for work with hungry optics. You gave him a fake smile before leaving your mate in the living space to ready himself to go to work too. You worked as a secretary for one of the few Senators that were still alive.

You would often visit your mate at his job at the auidtory library on the primes after you were done being Senator Shockwaves eye candy for work motivation. You literally had to follow him every where he went and do whatever he told you to, such as write down important notes or sometimes maybe clean up his mess of datapads on his desk. He wasn't a very neat person for a senator but you werent complaining.

Most Senators would make their Secretary perform sexual acts on them in the office and then when they got to their living space they'd interface. You were lucky enough that shockwave understood boundaries and didn't make you do any of that. He thought about it and was very grabby with you but he wouldnt force you to do such things. Even if he didn't rape you he'd grab your aft and your breast plates when it came into reach of him, it was all to aggravating but what could you do. You were a small and fragile femme on a planet dominated by aggressive mechs.

While you were cleaning up a pile of datapads that shockwave had purposely thrown on the floor when he was done with them so he could watch you bend over, you felt his optics roam your lower chassis in a way that only Orion your mate should look at you, you looked up at him and glared then rolled your optics and he only glared and rolled his optics back. Once you had finished cleaning he called you over to him. "Y/n." "Yes Senator, how can i be of assistance?" You replied as you had rehearsed on addressing him prior to your first day on the job which was three stellar cycles ago.

"I need you to contact the Delphi towers and tell them I will not be appearing, its presumed that the meeting will be on cybertron's decreasing population and that is not in my category of business."
"Yes, i will get right on it Senator."
"Good femme." He chimed making you slightly uncomfortable, Senators weren't  supposed to address their secretarys by anything other than their designation. You did as you were told and came back with the written information for Shockwave. You handed the datapad to him with a stylus so he can add any comments to it.

He threw the stylus on the floor with a malicious intent. "Pick it up y/n." You glared at him with a stare that could kill and did as you were told. "Your mate is orion, am i correct?" "Yes you are Senator.." by now you were muttering inaudible offenses under your vents. "He and I were good friends." "I'm very well aware senator." Shockwave eyed you for a minute before releasing a devilish smirk. "He always did have great taste in femmes.." "I'm sure he did Senator." You sighed and returned to your smaller desk besides shockwave.

You looked at the chronometer and let out a vent of relief, 'only two hours left with this creep' you thought happily to yourself while picturing scenarios in your processor in which your mate and your boss aren't total afts. Shockwave turned to you and noticed you were looking at the chronometer, he sighed and bit his lip plates. He felt like striking you for you wanting to get away from him so eagerly but he didn't instead he continued with the work he had on his desk.

A joor had past and yoy gleefully smiled realising it was almost time to return to your living space. "Does orion treat you with respect?" Your smile disappeared. "Yes mate is very respectful." "Boring." He said michievously. "What?" Knowingly shockwave was up to something and whatever it was it wasn't good. "You need a mate that will disrespect you." "And why the pit would i want that my..dear senator?"

"I know what kind of femme you are. One that's rough around the edges and easily bored. You need a mate that will make you feel that every time he looks at you he's putting you in your place. That every time he talks to you, you never know when he might lose his bolts and do something drastic." You looked at him with confused look and shook your helm. "Thank you for the offer senator but I'm not interested in a mech who's anything like that." You heard him sigh and mutter something perverted under his vents. "I didn't want it to have to come to this y/n, I have a lot of respect for you. Its just i respect myself and my needs a lot more than i will ever respect you.."

He stood up and motioned for you to stand up too. You shook your helm in response and he slammed his servo down onto his desk. His action caused you to gasp and stand obediently. "Good femme now come here." He motioned for you to stand in front of him. You obeyed. "Wow you're being such a good femme, i may have to reward you after this. Now bed over my desk." "Please don't....senator please...i have other use other than this..." tears began to stream from your optics down your faceplate and your optics became white with static hues in cue of your predicament.

"I gave you an option to give consent, that is not a option i will be giving again." "Please i have to visit my mate before return home in half a joor, please if you do this he'll be angry with you..." "I'm not scared of the librarian y/n now do as you're told." You cried harder and bent over the desk in front of him. "Open." He said impatiently as he tapped on your codpiece while sliding back his own. You obeyed and and opened your anatomy's protective armor and spread your legs.

He roughly entered you just as orion would but only harder, there wasn't much of a size difference compared to orion's spike so the pain wasn't as bad. The only thing that was hurt was your pride and respect for the senator. His thrusts were hard and quick and he ended each of them with a groan. From the way his spike was swollen you could tell he had been wanting this for awhile. You were already supposed to have been visiting orion by now but instead you were getting rammed into by shockwave against his desk.

Your crying hadn't ceased and it only got worse when he made you overload. It angered you to think you were receiving pleasure from this. As his pace quickened things began to fall off the desk and the desk began to rock in pace. He let out a primal howl and gritted hid dentas as he rode out his overload into you. His fluid poured from the folds between your legs and onto the floor.

He threatened you to never speak of it again and made you lie to your mate and tell him that you had snuck off to go hang out with friends instead of meet orion at his job. That was the excuse you had to rehearse for every time shockwave decided that he wanted to release himself from his 'stressful job' or if he just thought you werent cleaning well enough.

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