Grimlock X Human! Reader

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Now being that the dinobots were allowed to roam, the autobots were allowed to protect, and you having a new home with your family Cade (father) and Tessa (sister) your intrest in dating was motivated again.

Cade suggested bumblebee and Tess suggested Optimus when he came back but really you wanted someone who was wild. Unwillingly they set you up on a surprise date with crosshairs.

You: "....." *eating*
Crosshairs: "....."
You: "....." *still eating*

That's basically how your date went. Yeah don't worry you've had worse. Now realizing that this whole time your wild want was your supportive best friend Grimlock you felt stupid and guilty for putting him in the friendzone.

Later that evening you two were playing assaians creed, he was in bipedal holoform (not human just smaller). His claws were trying their hardest to stay on the playstation controller.

You leaned over and helped him. Cade and Tessa were all ready sleeping so it was just you two up in the house a 4 in the morning eating chips and playing video games. Earlier you had hinted to him that he was out of the friendzone by sitting on his lap and watching a movie.

He took it as only a mere friendly gesture. "I'm feeling in need of a recharge." Grimlock said in between the yawns. You smiled at him and went near his audio receptors and whispered "You don't think you can stay up an hour longer?".

By this time he knew he was definitely out of the friendzone. He smirked and purred back "I guess I could, Y/N". You giggle as he carried you back to your bed. He got in with you barely fitting under the blanket.

You felt his servos go down your hips in a teasing motion. Yes the sharp claws left marks but obviously you didn't care. He lifted down your underwear and was about to finger you but you stopped him before he could stick a 6 inch claw inside you. "Uhhhh????" You asked worried. "Don't worry I'll be gentle." With that you let him proceed in his actions. It hurt a lot but his presence comforted you into enjoying a little of it.

"Mmmph~", you let out small moan as he pumped the claw in and out. You weren't a virgin but he most certainly will stretch you. His purring got louder in anticipation. He slid down his panel and revealed his curved and thick spike, it was way larger then you expected but the size wasn't impossible to handle.

He slid inside you slowly before pulling out again to make sure you were okay. He was reassured by you and thrusted in deep this time. Again the pain returned along with a lot of pleasure.

The tip of his spike poked at your insides and made it feel kind of ticklish. To please him while he was thrusting into you, you played with his holders (deez nutz). Once again the volume of his purring accelarated.

His pace got a little faster but he didn't want to harm you so he kept it gentle. You had came not long after you started. You were still waiting for him to release. And then it happened not a lot but enough stick blue fluid poured out from his spike. He let out a loud and satisfied groan when it happened. Now extra tired he kissed your forehead, that left a teporary mark too and went into recharge holding you.

You were pretty tired yourself so you snuggled into him and drifted off. Still to this day Cade and Tessa do not know what that blue stain is in your sheets.

A/N sorry this took a while, I have a lot of requests that will be done such as

-Bumblebee 2
-DJD Tarn
-DJD Kaon
-Breakdown 2

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