Bayverse! Optimus Prime x Human! Female Reader

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Warnings: elita hates you, a lot of gore and this chapter is pretty long.

A/N: Doing requests in order so chapters will come in the same order of requests kinda

Your eyes fluttered as you looked over to the man next to you who was currently missing his entire face. His body was completely still and it didn't look like he was breathing either. The pillow underneath his head was soaked in blood. It took you a moment to allow your brain to process what your eyes were actually looking at. "What the f-" Before you could finish a soft hand pressed over your mouth. You sighed in relief seeing the the owner of the hand was Mikaela. "It's okay you're fine now." She murmured before putting pressure on the gash on your left shoulder. You looked over to the man again and felt tears fall from your eyes. You barely knew him but he didn't deserve this whatsoever. This was all her fault. "She did this-" you whispered to Mikaela.

Of course you were emotionally hurt enough to cry about this but you were also so goddamn angry. Why couldn't Elita just leave you alone? She had some massive blood lost out for you since she arrived on base and has been trying almost everything to get rid of you. She first tried to make you leave the base by switching your hours and your shifts in the database to a base 3,000 miles away but now it looks like she's just interested in full blown murdering you. "I know. We all know." Mikaela put her black hair up into a ponytail before helping you up off the medical bed. She looked you over completely before sighing. "I'm glad she didn't injure you too bad or worse." You watched as she crossed her arms before looking over your medical chart again. "And thank god your best friend is a nurse in training." She smiled at you before looking over at Ratchet who was currently working away at a mech sized computer. "Can she leave?"

Ratchet grumbled under his vents before shaking his helm in annoyance. "She could but it wouldn't be smart. Wait for Optimus to come and pick you up." You couldn't help but let out an unhappy groan. You weren't a damn child always needing your so called protector to come and save you. Mikaela had Ratchet, Sam had Bumblebee and Lennox had Ironhide yet for some reason you had to get Optimus along with his deranged ex-spouse. You cringed when you thought about the bright pink femme. Earlier you knew there was something wrong when you saw a bright pink motorcycle speeding in front of your car in traffic. It was almost like she was trying to control where you were driving. Your memory gets fuzzy as you can recall her purposely halting and making your car slam into her. Of course her alt mode was was fine but your car was definitely not. And unfortunately the faceless still guy laying on the medical bed next to you was in the Jeep behind you that failed to avoid the commotion. You didn't even have to tell anyone what happened because Mirage was further back in traffic and seen the whole thing unfold.

Thinking about this whole situation just made your head hurt. Why was she like this? She was completely friendly in the beginning and then as months went on she only seemed to hate you more as days went by. The first time you noticed a problem with her was when Optimus had saved you from literally being crushed by Wheeljack who happened to be falling after tripping over a fire hydrant and you couldn't help but bury your face into his human holoform's neck. You turned around to look at everyone and Elita looked like she was going to have a stroke.

Ratchet picked up a data pad off the table near him and you heard loud thudding foot steps as he was departing from the med Bay. "I have to deal with something, I'll return soon." Of course he sounded more like he was talking to Mikaela than you. You turned around and kicked over a bucket of bandages next to you. This was probably the most upset you've ever been in your life. You've literally survived Chicago (once again no thanks to Optimus) only to almost be murdered by an extremely ugly pink motorcycle. "I just don't get it. Why does she hate me?" Mikaela gave you a concerned look and cautiously shrugged her shoulders. "Maybe she's jealous. You and you know who sure spend a lot of time together. Probably more time than he spends with her."

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