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first of all

i have 1k views thank you to everyone you has been reading my book i cant thank you enough , also i am starting a brand new book its about if sky , red , barney , ross and max came to pheonix drop . i need a title for the book if anyone has any ideas please tell me .
if you do want to read the book it will be coming out in a few weeks .
thank you again for the reads .

i have some news on this story .
im not ending the book yet i kinda am im continueing it but where i left off last has two diffrent directions and i want to know what way you would prefere

1. something normal happends like katelyn runs away for a few days


2. something less normal that involves shadow knights and demons .

please comment or i cant continue .

thank you
stay kawaii

zanence (zane x laurence)  (completed)Where stories live. Discover now