"I'm not upset Harry, I'm hurt!" I said and he furrowed his eye brows.

"Don't let this hurt you, it's not worth it. He's a piece of shit, okay?" he walked up to me and tried to grab my hand but I pulled away.

"I don't care. As your girlfriend I have the right to know things like this." I pointed out looking into his eyes that held frustration, "it's not fair to not tell me."

To him this is nothing but to me it is. I don't know anything about his step-dad but I'd like to meet him and know more. I don't know why he wouldn't tell me and I doubt it's because he's away a lot. There's more to it then just that and I know if I ask him he's going to get even more upset. I hate when he keeps things from me regardless of what the situation might be because with Liam, I always had to find out the hard way and I don't want to rewind and feel the way I did back then.

"Stop being so dramatic!" he rubbed his head, "it's not even a big deal!"

"Yes it is! I felt like a stranger down there!" I yelled and he stopped.


"Yes, stranger! You told me your dad died and I fucking stood there unaware of what to say! I felt like I didn't know you!"

"My dad did die, he's my step-father, step!" he slowly pronounced, "and I'm no stranger, you know me and who I am." he reminded crossing his arms, "he doesn't deserve to meet you. I don't want him knowing anything about my life or getting involved with anyone I know or love; which isn't a lot of people but I still don't want him in my life or around those who are." he turned his face and walked to the window; staring out of it as I stood behind him flooded with hurt. I looked around the room trying to think of what to say but the words wouldn't come to me. The sentences were blocked out of my head leaving me thoughtless waiting for him to speak.

Out of all the arguments we've had; out of the intense anger I've felt through each one of them, this had to be the worst. I felt betrayed in some sort of way because he kept this from me. He just didn't seem to understand how hurt I was. He's been keeping a lot from me and it's beginning to make me think he doesn't trust me. And if he can't trust me, than we can't be together. Because one of the most important factors in a relationship are based on trust.

"Fine." he finally turned around and walked to me, "you want to know about him?" he pressed his jaw together and furrowed his eyebrows and I knew he was going to say something bad about him just by the tone of his voice.

"Yes, I do."

"He fucked up my family. " he finally told me after a few moments of hesitation.

"He what?"

"He came right in and ruined a great marriage and took my mum away from my dad." he looked at me as if to say "happy now?" He licked his lips and looked away; shutting his eyes and shaking his head before speaking again, "she's no fucking saint either but he manipulated her so badly that he pushed her away from him," his tone held hurt and obvious built up anger, "he made us move here when I was twelve to keep her away from my dad and after two years you know what he did?" he asked clenching his jaw and balling his fists, "he fucked her than left her. He used her than dropped her like she was shit! Like--like she was fucking dirt!" he shouted. His eyes began to water and he blinked back the tears trying to prevent them from falling, "he went back to London and left us after keeping us away from my dad for three years," he said throwing three fingers up, "he left because he didn't know how to use a condom," he shook his head swallowing, "and I was in the house when she told him she was pregnant and you know what he did?" his question was so low I almost didn't want to know, "he hit her; saying it wasn't his and that she cheated on him. I would've went to jail for murder if she didn't pull me off of him."

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