Getting help

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Sky's pov

"DAD!" I shouted running faster tword Entity and Herobrine. Herobrine had a sword in his side and blood dripping from his lip. His eyes were dulling and he sank to his knees. I watched as Entity pulled his blade out of my dad's side he grinned and shoved it into his chest.

I growled and swung at Entity's back. I managed to hit him before Dead and True pulled me away from him. Entity turned away from Herobrine and faced the three of us. "Sky, what were you thinking?" Dead whispered sommoning a iron sword.

"Who said I was thinking?" I hissed glaring at Entity who was smiling at us.

"Oh, the princes of the dimensions. Nether, End, and Overworld. I'd bow, but I'd rather kill you first." I growled and almost lunged at Entity again, but they held me back. Entity's smile grew as he looked back to Herobrine, who was just barely conscious. "Feisty one you have here Brine. Much like you." Dad growled and winced. He grabbed his side and squeezed his eyes shut. "Well, how would you like to watch you father die Sky?"

"He won't die! Lord Herobrine is strong! Just as strong as the Wither and Draco!" Dead declared standing tall next to me.

"Yah, he's strong, he'll pull through. Right Sky?" True asked putting a hand on my shoulder. I stared at my father. I watched the life slowly drain from his eyes. He looked up at me, tears in his eyes. "Sky?"

I didn't reply, I said nothing and kept my eyes glued to my dad. Not again.....I can't watch my family die in front of me again...I...I just.....I can' eyes grew brightly and my two friends backed off. Entity stared at me, realizing what was going on. I WON'T! "You are NOT doing this to me again. I'm not going to sit by again and watch life drain from the eyes of someone I love!" I floated above Entity, his smerk plastered on his face.

"Well, I guess you'll have to stop me then won't you? But you can't. You're weak, and you know it!"

I growled again and went to throw a charge at Entity, but Dead stopped me. "Sky, we need to get the others...they'll be able to help."

"But....what about him? He'll be dead before we get back...."

Dead looked at me and sighed. I'm sorry Sky, but we need to get the others."

I stared at him in shock. You're just gonna make me leave and let him die?

Sky, he's immortal he can't...

HE WAS WEAK BEFORE THIS EVEN BEGAN! WHO KNOWS WHAT ENTITY DID TO HIM FOR 13 YEARS DEAD! Entity broke him, made him follow under his command. Weakened him to the point of death...doesn't matter if he was immortal, with him like this....he'll....he'll die...

Dead didn't respond, luckily for us, True was keeping Entity distracted. "I'm sorry Sky, but we need to go. Well come back as soon as we can."

I looked down at my father. He was bleeding badly and he struggled to sit up. Entity noticed this and slammed him back into the ground. He winced and True joined us. "Come on, while he's distracted, we need to go."

I looked from Dead to True, and back again. Do they really think he's just a distraction? I nodded and looked back to dad as Entity swung his knife across Herobrine's chest, leaving a deep gash. I winced and looked away. "Come on....let's go." I said, my voice shaking. They nodded and we teleported to the other three leaders. True and Dead went to retrieve their fathers. And I went to find Notch. Please dad....don't leave me again...

Sky's TrialsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin