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Seto's pov

I groaned and sat up. My head was throbbing and everything was spinning around me. "Bout time ya woke up blaze. Thought for a minute there you were dead." Tyler chuckled.

"Blaze?" I asked looking down. I soon realized I had blaze rods dancing around me. My cloak was torn and insted of my normal purple, it had changed to orange. "What the? He made me into a freaken BLAZE? Why a blaze?"

Tyler rolled his eyes. "Cuz blaze DNA is what your body can handel. His was bacca, seeing how he was already a hybrid to begin with." He said pointing to Jerome who was asleep next to Mitch. "Creeper DNA worked best for him, and I think he's just crazy."

"Ok, but how did Entity know?" I asked looking at my three living friends.

Derp started laughing hysterically. "You don't just take someone prisoner without studying your victum. You need to learn everything about them, so you can give them the proper touture." He said with a smile.

"You sssssay that like you actually know what you're talking about..." Mitch said petting the sleeping bacca. Jerome snuggled closer to Mitch and buried his mussel under his paw.

"I may have kidnapped a few people in the past..." Derp replyed with a smile.

Tyler snickered. "But he's right, Entity spends days studying his victum before taking them. I think the only exception was your friend."

"Who? Lilly?" I asked. Tyler nodded. "Why was she an exception?"

Tyler shrugged. "He probably didn't have time. He took her and her sister when their father sent them to the overworld."

"Their father? You mean....the Ender dragon?"

"Duh, they're pure blooded Enders, witch means their father is....."

"Ok, but why did he send them to the overworld in the first place?" I asked interrupting him.

Tyler sighed. "Ya know, for someone who spends his whole day with them or in the library, you're really stupid. He sent them there because he knew he couldn't protect them. Herobrine convinced him that the safest place for them to be was with...uhh....Sky is it?" I nodded.

"Wait, so Herobrine, the one who caused my king to turn into a brine, convinced the Ender dragon to send them here?"

"Well, technically, yes. But Herobrine didn't turn anyone into anything."

"But Sky.....he was a...."

"A brine, yes I know." Tyler said sounding irritated. "But that's because he was born like that." I was so confused. And clearly, Tyler could tell. He sighed again. "Let me dumb it down for you. Sky, Adam, budder king, whoever he goes by now....he is the prince of the nether. He's Herobrine's son."

Sky's pov

"I'm WHAT? How?" I asked staring in shock at Notch. He had just finished explaining who I really was. Not sure how the topic came up, but it did.

Notch rolled his eyes as we walked to the Nether portal, my recrutes talking behind us. "Honestly, I didn't think it was that complicated. You are the son of Herobrine. When you were young he sent you here so you would be safe."

"From?" I asked.

"Entity." Notch replyed simply. "Aparentlly, Entity found a way to find you. Through your father most likely."

Sky's TrialsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora