Where's Sky Now?

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???'s pov

I was sitting on my throne, plotting against Notch, when Jade teleported into the room with something. "My lord, I have brought who you asked." She said kneeling and bowing her head.

I stood and walked over to the unconscious figure before me. "Take him to the cells. I have something in mind for this one."

"Yes my lord."

I watched as Jade took the king away to his cell. "Now, I just need to set the plan into motion." Walking back to my throne, I picked up the book I had layed on my seat. Opening it, I could feel the dark magic that had once locked this book away, but thanks to the sorcerer, the book had once again been unlocked. I smiled as I turned the pages. Finding the one I needed, I pulled it out and set it on fire. Now how will they save their dear king?

Mitch's pov

"Well, when do we go get our king back." I asked.

"What do you mean?" Seto asked. He still looked dazed from his attack.

"I mean, when do we go find Sky. If Herobrine's minions took the book, then don't you think it makes sense for them to take Sky?"

As I said that, Seto's eyes widdened. "Oh, my Notch."

"What? Did I say something?"

"Yes, you helped me figure out what Herobrine has planed." I gave him a look of confusion. "You see, before I went to find you, I flipped through the book and something cought my eye. I didn't read all of it, but I saw a cure. I know exactly what the cure is for. I hope I'm wrong, but it doesn't hurt to make it just in case."

"What's it for?" I asked.

"Something dark and powerful."

"Do you know what we need for it?" Ty asked, I forgot he was even here. He had been pacing the room this whole time, and Jerome had been listening quietly to Seto.

"I have most of the ingredients, I just need a rare flower. The Budder flower (sry, I couldn't think of a better name for the plant).

"Where can we find it?" I asked, suddenly feeling my hopes rise.

Seto thought for a moment. "Well it's usually found at the base of the snowy mountain. But if it's not there, it could be near the end portal."

"Ok, Mitch, Jerome and I will go to the mountain. You, Jason, and Ian can go to the end portal. We have to find this flower and make the potion for Sky. Who knows what Herobrine is doing to him." Ty ordered, clearly determined to get Sky back.

We all nodded and got ready to leave. I hope your ok Sky. The Budder kingdom needs you, your friends need you. Ty really needs you. Please be ok. Jerome and I finished getting ready. He looked at me with fear. I put my arm around him and told him it was gonna be ok. He hugged me back and held in some tears.

"Why him? Why Sky?"

I didn't know how to answer the poor bacca. "I don't know, Jerome, I just don't know." What does he want with our king? What will he do to him? I shook my head. "Sky will be fine. He's tufer than he looks." Jerome smiled. Please don't be dead Sky. Who would take your place as king and leader of the Sky army?

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