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Ian's pov

I walked by Skylar's room and heard her pacing and muttering to herself again. I knocked on the door. "Skylar, are you ok?"

If she was ok do you think she'd be pacing and muttering to herself?

Shut up will you.

She opened the door, "Oh, hey Ian, yah I'm good, I'm just worried about Lilly and the others."

I saw consern in her brown eyes. Her long black brown hair was drawn back into a ponytail and she had on her usual blue shirt with black and gray hoodie, and her black and white shoes. Her dark blue headphones with the black lining were around her neck. She also had on her amulet that Sky had given her. It was an budder necklace with an Amethyst in the center. Her sister, Lilly had a similar one, but hers has a sapphire. "I'm sure they're fine Skylar. Your sister is with them, so you know that they'll be protected."

"I just wish I had tagged along. I'm just as good a fighter as Lilly, we trained together with Sky."

"That's why you need to be here. With Ty and Lilly gone. We need another strong fighter to stay and help protect the kingdom." I said trying to calm her down. Both Skylar and her sister are Ender hybrids. I may not trust them fully, but Sky does, so I will not go against his judgment. No one would train two Enders so Sky took them in. From what I saw, he treated them like family.

"Thanks Ian, I just hope they come back soon."

"So do I, now get some sleep. I'm sure they'll be here by morning. She nodded and went to bed. I hope to Notch I'm right.

Oh, I'm sure they'll show up  eventually.

They always do.

Not sure if that's a good thing otlr not.

What do you mean?

You'll see soon enough.

~~Timeskip to when the team returns~~

I was in my room, about to go to bed when Quintion came running in. "They......they're back.....something's......wrong...... Tyler, he's.....not.....he's not with them......nor is Sky." He said through gasps.

My heart started pounding out of my chest. "What do you mean he's not with them? Didn't Tyler go?" I asked. "I thought they were going to get Sky back."

"Come see for yourself. They're almost at the gates." He replyed running out of the room.

I ran after him. Half the kingdom were at the main doors waiting for them. I pushed my way to the front, and saw the team, well, most of it. Quintion was right, neather Tyler nor Sky were with them. They were all bleeding and staring at the ground. Jerome was carrying something that I couldn't see through the swarm of people who had pushed by me. From the gasps, it didn't sound good. Lilly looked to be on the verge of tears. As they came into ear-shot, everyone started asking questions. Ty, Seto, Mitch, and Jerome tried to answer as many as they could while they walked by. I noticed Lilly was just pushing through the crowd. "Lilly, what's wrong? What happened?" I asked as she walked by.

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