I'm Alive

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Ty's pov

We sat outside the room Sky was in, waiting. I didn't know what else to do. I heard a doctor shouting at a nurse but I wasn't paying attention to what he was saying. I gave Jerome and Mitch a worried look. Why did I let him go? Why didn't I go after him to help him? Was this all my fult? If I had been a better general, a better leader, a better friend, like Sky, I could have prevented this. I thought for a while, until the nurse came out.

"You can see him now. He's still asleep, but he'll make it. Luckily four found him, gave him the potion and got him here when you did, or we might have been without a king." She said allowing us to finally see Sky.

I stood and so did the other three. We were all covered in dried blood, cuts, bruses, and scars, but we didn't care. All we cared about at the moment was Sky. He had just risked his life to save us all. I walked into the room and saw Sky sleeping on one of the beds. We all walked over to him and prayed that he would wake soon. The Budder Kingdom couldn't thrive without its king.

"Ty, he'll be fine." Seto said placing a hand on my shoulder.

"I should've followed him. I shouldn't have let him go alone." I felt the tears start to form in my eyes as I sat beside Sky. His brown hair was tied back into a small ponytail and his sunglasses were on the table next to him. I could see some bandages peeking out from under his black and gray shirt. His purple and gold amulet shone brightly, his head was wrapped in bandages, his eyes were still closed showing no sign that he'll wake up ant time soon.

"You would've gotten yourself killed. Then who would have noticed Sky was missing? We would have lost our king as well as our best fighter. I don't think we would've been able to handle that." Seto finished, he stood and walked out of the room with the other two. "We're gonna get some sleep, I suggest you do the same."

"Yah, sure." I said still looking at Sky. I leaned back in my chair and felt my eyelids start to droop.the next thing I knew, I was asleep.

Sky's pov

I slowly opened my eyes to find myself in the infermery. Every part of my body was sore especially my chest. To my right were my sunglasses, and my Budder sword. I looked to my left and saw Ty, he was fast asleep in one of the chairs. I tried to sit up, but spikes of pain shot throughout my body. I groaned and laid back down. Damn, that fight took more out of me than I thought. I'm so stupid, I thought I could kill the squid king alone. I tried to protect my kindom, my army, my friends, and I don't even remember if I was successful. I sighed, well, at least your not dead.

The doctor came in to check on me. I could barely tell who he was, cuse from that far away, he seemed like a blurry mess that started to give me a headache. "Oh, I see your awake." He said surprised. He pointed to Ty, "The general was very worried about you. He's been here since the nurse let the four of them in." He muttered something like 'Damn nurse' but I wasn't sure. I tried again to sit up, but the doctor gently pushed me back into a laying position. "Forgive me my lord," he started.

"Don't call me that. Please, call me Sky." I said weakly.

"Forgive me Sky, but you need to rest. That wound the squid king gave you was bad. Honestly, I me than surprised to see you awake so soon."

I said nothing, but tried to remember what happened before I blacked out.


I ran to the squid king as hundreds of pathetic squids fell at my Buddery blade. I stared the king dead in the eye. He laughed. "Do you honestly think you can defeat me? I am a hundred times stronger than you! I will watch as you fall before me and my army, and as your beloved kingdom, army and those who once called you friend, falls."

I could feel anger building in my chest. Off in the distance I could hear some squids saying things like 'hey, hey, hey I'm a squid' I just muttered, "Notch, I hate these things. I looked up at the king once again and said, "No, I don't think I can beat you, I know I can. I AM SKY, LEADER OF THE SKYARMY, PROTECTOR OF MINECRAFT, AND RULER IF THE BUDDER KINDOM. I WILL NOT STAND BY AND WATCH MY FRIENDS, RECRUTES, AND ALL THOSE WHO HAVE FOUGHT FOR THE BUDDER KINGDOM FALL BY THE BLADE IN YOU SLIMY TENTICAL! FOR THE SAKE OF THE MY KINGDOM, FRIENDS, AND THE SKYARMY, I SWEAR I WILL KILL YOU!" I shouted. The king just laughed.

"If it's a battle you want, than a battle against me you shall have." He said vemonosly. He came at me and I swung my blade, making contact with one of his tentical like arms. He shouted in pain and came at me. I easily dodged his attacks and hit him again.

After a while of us going back and forth, one of his squid minions distracted me just long enough for the king to swipe his sword through my chest. I could feel as blood start staining my shirt and the grass around me. I coughed up blood and fell on my hands and knees with my sword gripped tightly in one of my hands. Looking up I saw him standing over me. "I told you. You cant beat me." He said. I grabbed my sword tighter in my hand, stood with the last of my strength that I could muster, and stabbed him right in the heart. He screamed in pain before falling to the ground, dead.

"The king has fallen, retreat! Retreat!" I could hear the squids around me shouting as they fell back. I looked in triumph as they all slowly made thair way to the sea. I saw the army celebrating the win from where I was. I started to feel light headed and pain started to set in. I was heading back to the kingdom, when everything went black.

~Flashback ends~

"Sky, you need to get some sleep. You and your army have fought bravely today, and deserve a good night's rest." The doctor said softly to me. I nodded, but I knew deep down that I wouldn't be getting much sleep tonight. I painfully rolled on my side, with my back to Ty, who was still asleep, and slowly drifted into an uneasy sleep.



*clears throat, and calms down a bit* sorry bou' that, I got a little excited. Anyway, I hope you all did enjoy that. I have been writing and thinking about what to put in the book but, my mind is completely blank. No thoughts will come. I be sad panda. *rethinks life*....*shakes head and remebers what shes doing*.....Once again, I hope you enjoyed the book so far. If you did go ahead and sl-....wait.....this is wattpad....not youtube.....their is no like button....*feels embarasment start to show on face* Well, if you enjoyed keep your eyes peeled for the next chapter *sighs, much better*. BBBBBBBBBYYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!

Timeloard12 ✌

.......something has been bugging me......... I would like to know if you all would like Skylox to be a thing in this book........please, let me know......soon....

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