What Are We Gonna Do

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Seto's pov

"No, not him...not now." I managed to say. Sky was pacing back and forth. Once in a while, he would mutter something to himself. He can't come back, Notch banished him fro-, oh Notch no! He banished him from the over world. He can still cause pain from the nether, he has before.

"Seto, are you even listening to me?" Sky growled.

I shook my head to clear my thoughts. "Wh-what?"

"I said that we need more guards at the gates. We need to have more patrols and we need to work on the recrutes training. He could strike at any moment and we need to be prepared." Sky half muttered half ordered. His eyes suddenly blazing with an angry fire.

"Yes sir, I'll get right on it." I said bowing before walking out the door. I went to the library and looked for a book. "Where the Nether did I put it?" After searching the library for about ten minutes, I finally found what I was looking for. It was an old book the title had worn off over time, but I still knew what book it was. I could feel the dark magic coming off of it. Dear Notch, how much dark magic was used to lock this thing? I grabbed the book and brought it to my room. Placing it on the table beside my bed, I used some light magic and managed to get it unlocked. Flipping through the pages something cought my eye, but I knew that I had to do as Sky had ordered first. I hid the book under something on my desk, and I ran out to inform the other generals about Sky's plans.

"Hey Seto, where sre you going?" Mitch asked. I stopped running and explained what was going on.

"Don't tell the recrutes. We don't want to panic them." I finished.

Mitch nodded. "What about the other generals?"

"You can inform them, just make sure they don't slip." I said running off to find the others. Mitch was right behind me. "I'll go find Jason, Quintion, and Ian, you go find Ty, Jerome, and Tyler." I panted, Mitch nodded and we split up.

After I found everyone I could, I went back to my room. Opening the door, I expected to feel a wave of powerful dark magic wash over me, but it never came. I walked over to the table where the book was and found a note in its place:

sknahT rof eht koob etoS, won I nac yllanif tolp ym egnever no eht dlrow, dna m'I erus uoy wonk yltcaxe woh m'I annog od ti. hctaW ruoy kcab, uoy t'nac evas meht lla.


I stared in shock at the letter on my desk. He had gotten it, but how? Now how will I save them? How can we fight him now? Notch and entrusted me with this book, he said it held the key to stopping Herobrine when he returned, but with the book gone, how can we stop him? I had managed to skim some of the pages, but none of it helped if I didn't know his plans. Or did I? He had said 'I'm sure you know exactly how I'm gonna do it,' so do I know his plans? I thought for a while and came up with nothing, slamming my fist on my table, I growled in frustration. I hid the note under my papers so no one could find it and read it. I'll take that to Sky later.

I wouldn't count on that...

"Who in the Nether said that?" I asked turning around to find no one there. Confused I walked to my bed and layed down. It had grown dark out side and the guards had switched for the night.

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