Even after all this, we still have hope

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Herobrine's pov

I teleported to my room after the other Ender sliced my back, and leaned against the wall. I winced from the amount of pain going through my body. After a moment or two, I finally started healing. That Ender is gonna pay, and so will the whole butter kingdom.

You're weak. Those Enders should have been no match for you. Yet, they managed to weaken you to the point of retreat.

That doesn't matter, slowly, one by one, all the people, generals and recrutes alike, will fall and I will finally rule Minecraft.

Not if they kill you first.

How the Nether?

Face it Brine, you can't win. They will kill you.

I stared at the far wall for a while. No, not this time. This time, I will get my revenge. This time I will find and kill you Notch and you will fall, and no one can stop me.

Mitch's pov

I looked around the grounds. Most of the recrutes that had stayed inside were helping the wounded to the infermery. The dead littered the ground from both of the armies. Seto had asked me and Jerome to get Quintion, Ian, and Ty. I still had no clue why we needed the meeting, but I'm not gonna question him. Not now. I spotted Ian kneeling next to someone he looked down at them with tears dripping down his face. I walked over to him, without looking at the body. "Hey, Seto needs us for a meeting of some sort. Do you know where...." I looked down at who Ian was looking at. Ty was laying in the grass, he had an arrow in his chest and a slash across his face. He was bleeding from multiple places. his dull eyes staring forever at nothing. He was gone. (No more Skylox) I stared at him in shock. "No, not him to."

"He's gone, we've lost Tyler, Ty, Lilly, who else are we gonna loose before this is over?" Ian asked, his voice no more than a wisper.

"Hopefully no one. Come on, let's go meet up with Seto and Skylar. Jerome and Quintion should be their by now."

Ian nodded and we walked to the meeting room, our heads down, eyes glued to the floor. Seto and the others looked up as we walked into the room. "Great, everyon- wait, where's Ty?" Seto asked as the door shut behind us.

I looked up at him and shook my head. I sat in my seat next to Jerome and he put his arm around me. "He's dead. Ty is dead. Killed in battle while fighting skeletons from the looks of it." I said, my voice shaking a bit.

Seto nodded slowly and calmly started to speak, his eyes shone with a raging fire that couldn't be extinguished. "I know we've lost many of our friends and recrutes during this period of time that we've been fighting Herobrine, but we need to focus on one thing right now." He held up Sky's amulet. The once purple gem was now blackened and gave me a bad feeling. "We need to find a way to dystroy this, or at least banish the dark magic from it."

We were silent for a moment, then Quintion spoke up. "Seto, can't you use light magic? Why not dystroy it with that?"

Seto shook his head. "I tried that, it didn't work. I guess my magic isn't powerful enough to match Herobrine's."

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