Who needs a plan?

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Entity's pov

Pathetic. All of them. Weak, and worthless. I thought looking over the battle from where I stood in the shadows. Doesn't matter does it? They'll all be gone soon anyway. I smerked and leaned against the wall, watching as both mine and Sky's army fall to the ground, dead. Do I care? Ha! No, why would I care about a weak army? No, the only thing I care about, the only thing I've ever really cared about....dystroying them all. Taking down every leader all over Minecraftia, one person at a time. I glanced around and chuckled when I saw one of Sky men go full rage mode. Tears streaming down his face, his now dead friend in his arms, it was a beautiful sight to see. "Sir, most of the army has fallen, should we retreat?" A wither skeleton asked running up to me.

I growled at him. "Of corse not! I don't care if you all burn! This war won't end until I'm eather dead, or I've won!" The wither skeleton shivered despite the warmth of the nether. He bowed and walked away drawing his blade and entering the battle himself. Cowerds, all of them. I scanned the grounds again and my eyes landed on Herobrine's, his now white again. Fighting against my army. I smiled again. Oh, Brine....don't get use to freedom.

Sky's pov

"SKY! WE NEED TO GET JASON AND GO! NOW!" Deadlox shouted as I fought by Herobrine's side. Not a situation I thought I'd ever find myself in, but hey, it's eather that, or fight him.....yah, I think I made a good choice....

"WHY?" I asked attacking a ghast. It fired at me and I just barely dodged it. I growled as more came from nowhere.

"We have to help the others! Who knows what Entity's done to them!" I looked at Deadlox, he was covered in blood and scratches. His purple eyes filled with anger and annoyance.

"Oh, alright, but we have to hurry. I looked up and saw J fighting Skylar.

I looked back at Deadlox who nodded. He looked over my shoulder and shouted, "SKY BEHIND YOU!"

I turned around as a charge hit my chest. I groaned and shot another back at the ghast. "I really hate it when they do that." I grumbled turning back to Deadlox. "Dead? You ok?" He had a look of relief in his eyes and he sighed slightly. "Dead......come on. Are we going or not?"

He blinked and shook his head. "Uhhhh, yah, right sorry....come on...." He shook his head again and flew down to the battle.

I stared at him as he dissapeared in the battle below. Strange....I shook my head and looked behind me. "Dad, I'll be back soon. I gotta help my friends."

He looked at me and nodded. "Alright, just.....don't get yourself killed..." He said shooting at some mobs across from him.

I smiled. "Aww come on dad, where's the fun in that?" I asked. He rolled his eyes and dodged a charge.

"SKY! DOWN HERE!" I looked down and spotted Deadlox and Truemu. Waveing to me. I landed next to them and looked around.

"Ok, so we got the three of us together...three of the most powerful beings sons standing in the middle of a war, just starting to remember their past...." They nodded and I pulled out my Budder sword. "Right, what's the plan?"

Deadlox looked around at the death and suffering around us. "Draco told me to get you two and find our friends. I'm guessing he means the other generals. He's dealing with J." He looked up for a moment and then back to the war.

Truemu sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. His other heads floating around his head. "So in other words, we don't have a plan and we're just gonna wing it?"

They both looked at me and just stared. "What?" I asked getting slightly uneasy. "Did I do something?"

Deadlox looked away. "What you've always done, and what you'll always do Sky." Truemu stated looking at the army.

"And what is that excatly?"

"Lead us to our deaths. Lead us into war.....to freedom." Deadlox answered.

I stepped back in shock. "But I.....I'm.....I...."

"Why not? You lead a group of kids to war, witch grew into a town, then an army, and a kingdom. That's who you are. It's what you do Sky." Truemu stated gesturing to everything around us.

"That was.....before." I'd never see them again....if....something went wrong....how....how would I forgive myself.

"Before what?" Deadlox asked walking over to me.

"Before.....before....." I shook my head and stared at the ground. "Never mind. It's not important." I muttered leaning on the Nether brick wall.

Deadlox stood next to me and put and arm across my shoulders. "Sky, what's wrong?"

I growled at him. "Nothing! I'm fine." He looked at me sadly. "We need to get back on track. Don't we?" They nodded as screams filled the air. I chuckled slightly and looked around the Nether. I noted almost every detail. The wall, the lava, the war, the base hidden in the shadows, my friends staring at me, expecting me to say something. Wait.....a base hidden in the shadows? I stared at the building for a while. And pointed at it. "There. The generals, they're there."

"How can you tell?" True asked.

"I don't know, I just can. I just have a feeling ya know?"

"Are you sure they're there?"

I looked at dead and True. "Have I ever been sure of anything?"

We teleported to the front of the building. "So, Sky, do you have a plan?" Dead asked staring at the tall building.

I scoffed. "Plan? Who needs a plan?"


Yah, this wasn't my best planned chapter, but it's something, so I hope you enjoyed it! If not, get over it.

Hero: eh, it could've been better, but it could've been worse.

Oh, shut up. Anyway, if you did just enjoy that, then hit the vote button and keep your eyes peeled for the next chapter. I'm J and I'll talk to you later peepz. BBBIIIIII!

Hero: until next time mortals.

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