Even the strongest army's need help.

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Skylar's pov

I haven't seen Sky all day. After he went to his room, he's just sat in their, talking to no one, allowing no one in. I know he is a little shaken up about what just happened...but I hope he's ok.

"Skylar! Are you ok?" Ian asked.

I jumped a little and looked at him. "Ye, just thinking. What's up?"

Ian gave me a weird look and continued with his what he was talking about. "Quintion said that the town where Steve was at last had some people who could help us. Don't remember their names, but you, Mitch and I can go ask them for help. I'm sure they'd help us defeat Herobrine."

I nodded. "Ok, so when do we leave?"

"Now." He relpyed.

Mitch was already at the stables by the time we got there. "Horses? Really? Wouldn't it just be easier if I teleport us there?"

One of the recrutes gave me a look of disgust. "Oh yah, forgot you could do that. Well, actually yes, that would be alot faster. Do you know where to go?"

I nodded. "Sadly....ye I do." I said looking away. They said nothing, but grabbed my arms. "Hold on tight." I said as we teleported to Steve's town.

"ROSS! WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT TAKING MY NECKLACE!?! GIVE IT BACK!" I heard Max shouting as we neared the town.

"What are ya feeling....Mad Max?" Ross taunted as he ran from a now very red Max.

"Ross, I wouldn'ts advises makings the Max mads." Barney warned following the two of them. The purple dinosaur smiled and watched the two fight on the ground through his one good eye. The other missing, the empty, bloody abyss hidden behind an eyepatch.

"Yah, now isn't a good time to make him a Mad Max." Red replyed walking up behind Barney. His ginger hair hidden under the hood of his dinosaur onesie, with a lightning bolt on the front. A smile plastered on his face.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the two gingers, the dirt and the sloth." I said as we walked up to them. Mitch and Ian looked at me like I was crazy.

"You know them?" Ian asked.

"It's a long story."

"Skylar? Notch, how long has it been since we've seen you?" Red asked looking away from the commotion. The others looked up at us and smiled. Max grabbed his necklace and put it on as Ross muttered 'I'm not a sloth' under his breath.

"Oh, about three years give or take a few." I shrugged. A stab of pain went through my chest as I remembered that Lilly would never get to see her friends again, and they still have no clue why she's not with me.

Max and Ross stood and brushed the dirt from their clothes. "Skylar, glad ya finally decided to visit your pals. Honestly, thought ya forgot 'bout us." Ross said cheerfully.

"Nah, I couldn't forget about you guys." I walked up and gave them all a hug. "So, how's things here?"

"Nothings reallys changings much. Nots since you twos leavings." Barney said with a srug.

Max looked between the three of us and asked the one question I've been trying to avoid. "Hey, Skylar, where's Lil?"

Mitch and Ian gave eachother an uneasy look. "Lilly's.....Lilly's gone. Herobrine killed her while she was protecting one of the generals." I explained after a moments hesitation.

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