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Quinton's pov

"She's a what!?!" I exclaimed. We had just finished giving orders to the recrutes when Sky sommoned us to his office.

"I made Skylar a general." Sky replyed cooly. "And if you have a problem with that, the doors right there, you can walk yourself straight to the squids for all I care. But I'm the king, I'm in charge. Get. Over. It." He clenched his teeth.

"Sky, I'm sorry, but you can't make the Ender of all recrutes a general."

"Why not? I made you five generals, why can't I make her one?" Sky challenged.

"What's that suppose to mean? You chose us....." I started to say before Sky interrupted me.

"For the same reason I'm choosing her!" He growled and stood from his chair. "You didn't get here on pure luck, or because you were my friends. No, I chose you eight because I thought I could count on you. I thought you were all strong and willing to fight for the good of the kingdom, not against me." His eyes flashed yellow behind his sunglasses. "She is loyal, strong, and is willing to follow orders no matter how grand. And if the remaining five of my once trusted generals can't do what a recrute can, then maybe you shouldn't be a general." He started to storm off. "No, better yet," he stopped at the doorway and turned around to face the five of us in his office. "Maybe you shouldn't be here at all." And with that, he stormed out.

We all stood in silence staring at the door that Sky just walked through. "What the Nether just happened?" Jerome asked breaking the silence.

"Someone thought it was a bright idea to disobey the wishes of the king." Mitch replyed glaring at me. "And now Sky thinks we shouldn't be generals anymore."

"No, he doesn't think we should be in the kingdom anymore." I said still staring at the door.

"And who's fault is that, fish?" Mitch asked.

"First of all, I'm not a fish, I'm an amphibian. Second, HOW THE NETHER IS THIS MY FAULT?"

Mitch started getting angry, really angry...."YOU'RE THE ONE WHO SECOND GUESSED THE KING! YOU KNOW HOW ON EDGE HE IS, HE COULD'VE SNAPPED YOUR NECK FOR BREATHING WRONG!" I growled and spat water at him, practically drowning him. He growled and lunged at me forcing me to fall to the ground.

"Will you two stop this?" Ian asked.

"Yah, it's not helping the situation anymore!" Jerome sneered as he pulled Mitch off of me.

Ian held me back from lunging for his throat. "Let go of me nut job!" I shouted glaring daggers at Mitch.

"Guys, I've been thinking...." Seto said, clearly too deep in thought to notice the battle going on in front of him.

"Can it wait?" Jerome asked struggling to hold Mitch down. "Don't make me sit on you biggums." Mitch growled in reply.

"Sky hasn't been acting like himself....." Seto continued, not listening to Jerome.

"Yah, we noticed." Ian replyed.

"But did you ever think of why?" He asked. We all shook our heads. "Ok, hear me out, Sky was taken by Herobrine and turned right?" We nodded, well, most of us, for some reason Mitch was still trying to claw my throat out. "Ok, an- oh my Notch Mitch calm yourself! somnum!" I watched as both Mitch and Jerome collapsed to the floor when Seto's spell hit them. "Oops, didn't mean to hit Jerome to....." he shook his head. "Oh well, I'll explain it to him and Mitch later. Anyway, remember shortly after Lilly left Sky said that Herobrine's eyes turned from their normal white, to a dull red, to full on red?"

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