I failed them, but never again.

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Sky's pov

I groaned and opened my eyes slowly. I was in the infermery at the castle. The last place I remember being was in a cell....no, it was fighting Lilly, when I was able to take control for a short period of time. I shook my head and sat up. "How the Nether did I get here?" I asked rubbing my sore head as I looked around.

"Sky! You're back!" Mitch exclaimed hugging me, Jerome cost behind.

"I am? I am, but, how?" Mitch and Jerome explained to me what happened after I fought Lilly and Tyler. "Wait, so Tyler's dead? I killed one of my best friends?" I asked staring at them in shock. They nodded and I looked down. "I killed him. I killed Tyler."

"Sky, it's not your fault. Herobrine turned you into a brine. Their's no way you could've done anything." Jerome said trying to comfort me.

I shook my head, and buried it in my hands. I stayed that way for a while. "How many others are dead?" I asked. They hesitated and gave eachother a uneasy look. "How many more are dead?" I repeated gritting my teeth.

Mitch sighed and finally spoak. "Half the army is hurt, about thirty recrutes are dead. Including....." He hesitated again. "Including Lilly and Ty."

I felt my heart skip a beat. "Lilly and Ty?" I repeated quietly. Tears forming in my eyes.

"Yes sir, Lilly died protecting me from Herobrine." Jason stated sadly.

I looked up at him and frowned. "What about Ty?"

"Ty died by a skeleton, we discovered he was trying to protect some recrutes, and it surprise attacked him." Jerome reported.

I continued to stare at the ground. How could I have let this happen? How could I have belived they would leave me? How could I have let Herobrine turn me into a brine? How could I have failed my kingdom? "Where's Seto, Skylar, Ian, and Quintion?" I asked tears slowly falling down my face.

"Ian, and Quintion are helping the wounded, Seto and Skylar are sleeping. They used alot of energy on the potion and your amulet." Jason said.

I looked down at where my amulet usually sat around my neck. I realized it was gone. I looked up at the group again and shook my head to clear my thoughts. "I'm sorry." I said staring at the wall next to me.

"For what?" Jerome asked. Mitch looked at me with consern.

"For everything." I said standing and walking out of the infermery.

"Sky where are you going?"

"Places." I muttered as I walked out the door. I walked down the halls of the castle. Tyler, Ty, and Lilly are all dead. My army is falling apart, and theirs nothing I can do about it. I walked on for a while until I walked right into Skylar. "Ow. Sorry kid, didn't see ya there." I said rubbing my head.

Skylar's eyes lit up and she wrapped her arms around me. "Sky! You're ok! I didn't think that it would work." She said still hugging me. I said nothing, but hugged her back. She pulled away and smiled.

I forced a smile. "I'm ok now, thank you." I looked down the hall. "Do you know where Seto is?"

"Uhhh, I think he's in the library, that or he's still sleeping."

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