Win or Lose?

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Jason's pov

I leaned against the wall and gasped for air. My side was bleeding, and I had bloody gashes all over my body. My sword was in the grass next to me, just out of my reach. "You failed to do as I asked. You're job was to distract them long enough for me to take over the kingdom, but you couldn't do that, could you?" Herobrine asked, his low icy voice no more than a wisper.

I groaned as I reached for my weapon. "No, I realized you're a lier. You don't care, you probably were lying when you said you would give Sky back!" I wispered back still trying to grab my blade.

Herobrine tossed my blade further from my grasp and took a step closer. "You're right, I was lying, but that doesn't matter. You'll be dead before you can see you friends and kingdom fall." He raised his blade, ready to plunge it into my chest. "Any last words?"

I shook in fear and closed my eyes tightly, waiting for him to kill me. I heard a clash of metal and opened my eyes. Lilly was standing between Herobrine and I, her blade and his colliding. "Get....away....from him...." She said trying to push him back.

Herobrine smiled and pushed her to the ground. "So, Ender, you'll still protect him, even if he wouldn't help you?"

She stood and gripped her blade tightly in her hands. "He's one of my generals. Even if he doesn't care or trust me, Skylar and I still look up to him and the others just the same. And we would die in battle for them any day."

I stared at her in shock. Even after everything I've put her through, she still helps me? Herobrine walked closer to her and his smile faded. "Well, I guess I'll have to deal with you first." He lifted his sword and swung, Lilly blocked him and threw a fireball at him. "Playing dirty are we? Fine." He flew into the air and threw fireballs at her.

"Who said I was playing?" She shouted as she dodged his attack and flew after him.

I stood and immediately fell back to the ground. I grabbed my side and winced. I looked around and saw blood everywhere. So many recrutes had already fallen. Seto and Skylar were fighting Sky, trying to hold him back. Skylar had turned into her Ender form. Jerome and Mitch were fighting side by side against mobs. Ian and Quintion were helping as many recrutes as possible. Ty was nowhere to be seen.

As I sat up again I heard a thud and looked twords the noise. Lilly was laying on the ground, her eyes closed, but her chest still rising and falling.

I stared in horror as Herobrine slowly walked closer. His major wounds slowly healing. "Now that the pest is out of the way, I can finally deal with you." He hissed. Blood was dripping down his face and arms.

Lilly had really put up a fight with him. "You can't win. The Skyarmy will succeed in taking you down, even if you kill me." I glanced over his shoulder and saw Lilly start to stand. I quickly looked back at Herobrine and he chuckled.

"That's what you think, how could they possibly win, if the whole army is gone?" He asked. "Now, enough chat," he pulled his arm back, ready once more to stab me in the chest. "I have a kingdom to rule."

I shut my eyes tightly and once again waited for death to arrive, but it never did.

Skylar's pov

I helped Seto keep Sky at bay. It was a challenge I'll admit, but I don't give up easily. I threw another ball of light at him and he blocked it. Sky glared at me, something in his eyes told me that he was trying to remember. He threw yet another dark energy ball at me, I dodged it and looked at Seto. He formed a force-feild around us and tired to get closer to Sky. "Seto, he's too strong for us to fight." I said. We need to knock him out somehow.

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