a big mistake...

183 11 102

Seto's pov

Separated. Great. Just what we all needed. To be in separate cells. I sighed and fiddled with one of my blaze rods. I could hear Jerome howling down the hall. Mitch was next to me trying to calm him down. Sure, we haven't been here long, a few weeks, an month maybe, but to us, it could've been a year. Who knows how Tyler feels. "Hey blaze. I'm talkin to ya. You listenin?"

I shook my head and looked at the cell in front of me. "Huh? Oh, sorry Tyler....wasn't listening..."

He rolled his eyes and stared at the ground. "Yah, I noticed." We sat in silence, staring down the hall. "Someone's here..." he muttered.

"What? Who?" I asked walking to the bars of my cell.

"I don't know...but they're powerful....all of them..."


"That's what I said."

I sighed and continued looking down the hall. Tyler had been acting strange lately...he's been showing more powers. Still can't put my finger on what he was turned into, but it was definitely something, something powerful. "Oh come on Sky! Just tell us what's wrong!" I heard Jason practically beg as I heard footsteps come twords us.

"I told you True, I'm fine. Now let's drop it." Sky growled stopping in front of my cell. "What the Nether? Seto?" I nodded, to shocked to speak. His eyes were back to yellow. Did the spell wear off? "Well, I must say, it's a bit of an improvement." He said smiling.

I growled a little. "Oh shut up Skybrine!"

He pretended to look hurt. "Ouch Seto, ouch. The feels, they have been hurt..."

I glaired at the brine practicality wishing him dead. "Brine's have no fellings! I thought I got rid of you!"

"Now, that's no way to talk to your king Seto." Jason sneered.

"HE'S NOT MY KING! HE'S A MONSTER WHO SHOULDN'T EVEN BE!" Sky's joking expression turned cold and he walked away. Tears in his eyes. Jason and Ty ran after him glaring at me as they ran by.

Tyler chuckled. "Wow, way to make the prince of the Nether cry. Honestly didn't think it was possible. Good job." He smiled and slowly aplaudded me.

"What are you talking about?" I asked still staring after them.

"You idiot. Put the pieces together. That spell should've gotten rid of his Brine side unless...."

"Unless...unless he was born with it..." I finished as I realized my mistake. "But, what does that have to do with anything?"

Tyler sighed. "Honestly, how did you even become a general? He was born a brine, hence his Brine side, and the only living Brine is.....the Lord himself."

I mentally facepalmed myself. He's Herobrine's son, that's why...but why didn't he tell us?...."Wait...how did you know?"

He hesitated. "I uhh....have my ways..." He answered as Ty and Jason returned, Sky nowhere in sight. They unlocked everyone's cell but mine and walked away.

Sky's TrialsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora