Finding Steve?

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Quintion's pov

I walked to the armory with Mitch and Jerome. As we walked in, Mitch immediately went to grab spare arrows, and Jerome went to repair his axe. I walked over to the wall across from the door and grabbed a golden sword. It's not often that I use swords, only during war, but this is seems like a time where I might need a blade. We got some armour and left.

"Where should we look first?" Jerome asked.

"Well, we should check the last place he was seen." Mitch replyed.

I stared at him in shock. "We can't go that far over our border. He was last spotted in the first town he and Herobrine protected. That's almost ten miles away. It would take us almost three days on foot."

"Well, I guess we'll have to ride the horses, won't we." Jerome replyed running to the stables. Mitch and I ran after him and mounted our horses.

~~one day later,cuz I be lazy~~

I awoke mounted on my horse, and nearly fell off. "Hey, 'bout time you woke up, fish. You've been sleeping for a while." Mitch joked as we rode closer to the town.

I rubbed my eyes and muttered. "I'm not a fish."

As we got closer we spotted some townsfolk running around and the guards, well guarding the gates. One of the guards seemed to be a hybrid of some sort. His eyes facing in different directions, and he seemed agrivated. "Max, for the last time I'M NOT A SLOTH! I'M A NARWHAL!" He shouted.

"Yah, I know Ross, but it's still fun to mess with you." The guard named Max replyed with a big smile. He ran one of his hands through his ginger hair, his golden necklace shining in the morning light. Ross smiled evilly. Max's smile fadded. "Ross. Don't. You. Dare."

"Aren't you glad max? It must be fun to tease me, but I can do it to." Ross looked at Max who was starting to get angry. "No need to get Mad Max, you and I know this is what happens when you're a Bad Max."

"Ross, I'm warning you."

"Max, don't be mad, sad, or bad, be glad." Ross smiled at Max and Max tacked him.

"I warned you Ross!" He shouted as he jumped on him.

They wrestled for a bit. We sat and watched for a few moments before Mitch cleared his troat. They stopped and looked at us. "Uh, hello, how can we help you?" Ross asked getting up and taking his position by the gate, Max doing the same.

"We came here to find Steve. The Butter kingdom needs his help." I replyed. Jerome started snickering and Mitch punched his arm to get him to stop.

Ross and Max gave eachother an uneasy look. "The thing is....we don't actually know where Steve is." Max said.

"Yah, he just kinda, dissapeared the other day. No one's been able to find him, it's like he dropped off the face of the" Ross's eyes clouded when he realized what happened to Steve.

Max looked over at his friend. His eyes filled with worry. "Ross?"

"I-I think I know where he is....." Ross's said staring at the ground.

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