Chapter 16

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Bruh Tammy really trippen i just helped her ass when that nigga Trey was trying to kiss her and she dont forgive me.

Honestly i cant blame her if i was me id still be mad at myself too, i said some real hurtful stuff and i hope one day she can forgive me.

Man this dance boring now that i dont have nobody to stare at, im finna just go home.


On my way home i seen this Pink car and it looked like it was following me. I mean come on if they are following me why drive in a bright ass pink car? I shrugged it off and went home.

I got in the house and of course Tammy, Roger, and Kelly in here. I walked in and sat on the couch next to Tammy.

"Wassup?" I asked

"Hey." She replied back dryly.

"You gone talk to me soon?"

"Nah you good" she got up and went in the kitchen.

Yo she really giving da kid a hard time. But what can i expect it's Tammy she always act like that, imma break her lil ass outta that tho. Just watch imma have her scre-

The door bell rung bringing me out of my nasty thoughts. "I got it."

I got up and answered the door and Kim was standing there in a big Spy coat. I dont even want to know whats under there. Behind her i seen that pink car, i knew someone was following me.

"Can i help you?" I asked rolling my eyes. I know that shit gay but Tammy done it so much i started it.

"Yesss." She whispered trynna be seductive .

"Well sorry ho- i mean Kim but Roger have a girlfriend."

"Oh im not here for him, im here for you baby."

"Uhh i have a girlfriend to."

"Yeah but i know you want me, plus im not wearing anything under this coat." She whispered again.

"Ohh lawddd kill the visual Jesus please Kill it!" I panicked.

"Oh come on Mr. Kaz i know you want me." She batted her eyelashes.

"Girl what is in your eye this time, and no you are my student i am your teacher you showing up here is inappropriate. You need to leave now before i report you."

"You have no proof!" She stomped her feet.

"But i recorded this whole thing." I showed her my phone.

"Ughhh! You cant do this, give me the phone now!" She jumped at me trying to get the phone. She started smacking me in my face and hitting me. See i dont hit girls but im about to knock this bitch out. Right when i was about to swing Tammy and Kelly came.

"Bitch *stomp* Dont *punch* touch *pass over to Kelly*." Tammy was fucking Ol girl up then she passed her to Kelly.

"My *Punch* Brother!*Kick move!*" they was fucking shawty up but i had to pull them off before it got worse.

Me and Roger pulled them off her i rolled Kim out the door and shut and locked it.

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