How dare you!

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Cheryl's P.O.V.

"What the hell did you do Cheryl!" I had to stop and look at my phone to see who it was. It was Donna. Damn. "What are you talking about?" I asked. "Have you not been on any social media at all?" She asked. "No why?" I asked. "Look and then Tell me what you did!" She semi yelled at me. "Look don't yell at me!, I'll look now, Damn!" I said. I logged into my twitter account and I couldn't believe what happened to popped up. It was headlines "Tony Grant fired for sexually assaulting the play director, while wife and kids in next room." "The grants both assaulted play director of next big play." "What the hell is this?" I yelled. "What. Happened. Cheryl!" She said slowing down. I filled her in on everything that happened in Altanta, but before I could finish, I had another call coming in. Great it was my manager. "Hold on D, it's my manager" I say huffing. "Hey?" I answer. "Cheryl, what the hell is in the tabloids?" He asked. "Listen it's all lies, i simply went to Atlanta to see Tony and i caught her trying to get with Tony. He stopped her and quit, nothing more and nothing less." I said. "All I have to say is this doesn't look good Cheryl. We need to fix this. Get in front of this whole thing." He said. "Well what should we do, because I know Tony hasn't seen it yet." I asked. "You know what we are gonna go on a show and let the real story out. You sure you didn't provoke her? Or he didn't?" He asked. "Well they were involved but a very long time ago, when they were fresh out of high school." I said shyly. "See this is the stuff I need to hear Cheryl, because if this had of come out without you saying it would of looked really bad. I'll call you back in a couple hours with some information for when and where you gonna be going." He said. "Ok, I'll keep the phone near me." I said hanging up the phone. I couldn't believe what this Bitch had did. I ran up to our room. "Tony!" I said. "What's wrong baby?" He asked. "Has anyone called you? Or have you been on any social media?" I asked. "No, why?" He said sounding puzzled. "Just take a look." I said. Maybe I should have just told him to keep him calm, but I was pissed. And I knew he was gonna be pissed. "What the fuck!" I heard him outburst. It was the nastiest thing I ever heard. I wanted to touch him to try and calm him but I was scared. He turned to me and walked over with the most deadly face ever. "You knew about this?" He asked. "Calm down Tony. I just found out, which is why I came to tell you." I said. He took a few steps back and wiped his face. "I'm sorry, I'm just mad as hell." "It's ok baby, I know I am too." I say walking over touching his shoulder. "What are we gonna do" He said as he was going to punch the wall. I stopped his hand to the best of my ability. "Tony stop!" I said. "What the hell Cheryl!" He said. Look I understand your mad right now, hell I knew that Bitch was no good from the gate. But this is not the way to fix anything. Jo called me and is already on top of it." I tell him. "Damn you're good baby." He said lightly. "Listen I'm down for the ride and you know that." I say picking his head up. "I sure do" He said as he gave me a peck on the lips. Just then my phone rang and it was Jo. He told me that he got us a spot on Steve Harvey show, Good Morning, and the Goodnight show tomorrow. I was so glad that we were getting on top of this rather than letting it get over on us. Tony called his mom to see if she could watch the twins for us tomorrow and she agreed. After we finished getting all of our stuff together, we went to the twins room to check on them. They were still fast asleep and looked so peaceful. We decided to do something we haven't done in a long time. We went down to the theater and watched a movie. And as always we fell asleep right there. We were awaken by the sounds of cries coming from the baby monitor the next morning. It was about 5 in the morning. I guess that's because they went to sleep so early. We decided that it was just time to keep things moving so we went and got them ready and feed them, then Tony watched them while I got dressed and vise versa. Once we were all ready it was about 6 so we went ahead and dropped them off to his mom and grabbed us some Starbucks then headed over to the studio for Good Morning America. All of the interviews had went smoothly. Except for the Goodnight show of course they had to throw a curve ball.

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