Keep on Falling

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Cheryl's P.O.V.

"Look at my favorite doctor." Lenny Then said "Look at my favorite lady, looking all sexy and sh*t" I blessed some. "Awwe thank you baby." We then drove off. "So where are we going?" I asked. "Just sit back and enjoy the ride." He said smirking. It seemed like it took forever to get to where we were going. I was actually starting to doze off. Then we got there. We were on Broadway. He was taking me to see a show. "We are here babe." He said. "Wow! What are we gonna see?" I asked. "Well they are remaking the Wiz, so I figured that this would be cool." He said. We went in and we had a whole balcony to ourselves. The play was wonderful. Towards the end of it Lenny was placing kisses all over my neck and my shoulder. I felt good because I haven't felt that in a long time. When we left the theater and Lenny took me to his penthouse. It was really nice, as far as I seen but I didn't get to see much because after Lenny locked the door he grabbed me and started kissing me and pushed me up against the wall. He grabbed my ass with one hand and started unzipping my dress with the other. Once he had it unzipped he removed it. He then kissed down my body and back up. He then unhooked my bra and rubbed on my breasts. He started to lick and suck on them. He even nibbled on them a little bit. He came back up to my lips and started to kiss me again and he picked me up carried me back to a bedroom. He threw me down ruffly then removed his clothes. As he was doing this, it hit had me that he was only the second man that I have Slept with or even been with all together exclusively. So I was a little scared. And yet again Tony popped into my head. I did my best to shake the thought, next thing I know Lenny is ripping my panies and shovles himself in. Damn no foreplay? I jerked at his entrance. He didn't even start slow, he simply went fast. It didn't feel much different from Mike, except Mike paid attention to some of my needs. I felt like I was being humped by a dog on crack. It was completely horrible. Within 3 minutes he pulled out and came. Then he rolled over and Went to sleep. I didn't even get to have my release. So I had to help myself. Which brought back so many memories. When I was finished I simply turned over and took myself to sleep. When I woke up, the next morning Lenny was not in the bed, so I got up to see if he was still Here, but he was no where to be found. I got it to the kitchen to find a note. If this didn't feel like so much déjà vu to me. The note read:

I had to leave to catch a flight. There was an emergency in my hospital in Washington state, so I had to get there as soon as I could. I had a great night. I have arranged for a driver to pick you up and take you home for me.

Great night my ass. And what the hell? Why would he have a hospital in Washington state and live in New York. That's all the way on the other side of the US. I was beyond pissed. So I put my clothes back on and left. The car was waiting for me downstairs. When I got home, I went straight to the shower. I felt so dirty. I tried to call Donna but she didn't answer. I bet she is with Tyler because when ever she is with him, she never picks up the phone. Ugh I was so annoyed. I just went upstairs and got in my hottube in my bathroom.

End of Cheryl's P.O.V.

After two weeks Lenny still had not called Cheryl and hadn't answered Cheryl's calls. Cheryl decided not to even worry herself about it. She manages to catch up with Donna they went out to lunch and Cheryl found out that Tyler had taken Donna to Italy. Their relationship was so beautiful. And that's all Cheryl ever wanted a beautiful relationship. Tony had decided that it was time to stop moving slowly after a talk with Cheryl's father. He explained to her father how much he cared for her which is the reason why he was moving so slow. Over those two weeks Cheryl couldn't help but thing what could have been of her and Tony. So she decided to give him a call.

Cheryl's P.O.V.

I couldn't help but think about Tony. I missed him so much. Because in all reality he had become such a big part of me and I felt like that part of me was missing without him. My dad had called me yesterday to tell me that he had talked to Tony, he didn't tell me exactly what they talked about but he told me that I should call him. Apparently Tony and my father had grown close. My father told me that he thought that Tony was perfect for me. I can't lie I kind of thought that to at one point. But things just didn't go any where. I had to have a talk with my mom to help clear my head. She told me to follow my heart, but to be mindful of what my head was saying. I knew what my heart was saying. It said that Tony is what I need. But my mind said that Tony didn't want me. So I fought my mind and followed my heart. I finally had the nevre to call Tony. But he didn't answer. Within 5 minutes I heard the doorbell. I got up to see who it was and I was so shocked to see......

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