The Rehearsal

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After Cheryl finished packing up her things and the short nap she took, it was about 5:30. So she started to head over to Tony's. Before she left Mike called And told her that he was gonna be home late, so she wasn't worried about being home anymore.

Cheryl's P.O.V.

So I finally found Tony's house, and it was really nice. So I parked and went to knock on the door. He opened on my second knock. "Cheryl!" He says as his face lights up and comes in for a hug. "Hi Tony" I reply hugging him back. "I'm so glad that you came! This really means a lot to me! Come in! Come in!" He says in all smiles and pulls me in, then shuts the door. "Would you like anything to drink, water, or wine for a classy lady like you?" I kinda blush and say "Awwe thank you, but I'm fine for right Now."
"Ok well I have anything and everything that you could want, so just me know if you want anything. And you can follow me this way." He says walking out of the staircase opening. "Alright and your house is beautiful." I tell him. "I'm so glad you think so, Thank you" Shortly after we got to a room, it looked like a mini theater. "Wow this is incredible" I say looking around. "Thanks, it just a little something I had put in because I decided to be a actor. I also have a studio, but that's down the hallway." He tells me. "Cool you know I'm a singer to right" I ask as I set my bag down. "I know your voice is breathe taking." He says. "Awwe thank you, that means so much to me." I say blushing lightly. "No problem you have a beautiful voice to match a even more beautiful face." Now I was full blushing. "Your to nice." "No I'm just stating facts." At this point I was blushing so hard. I could tell that he was flirting with me, so I changed the conversation topic to why we were rehearsing. "OK so what is it that you wanna work on?" "Well I'm not really sure how my delivery of the why I got married stories is, and how to make our scenes look real, while still making sure you are comfortable." He answered. "Ok, well we can do that. Let's start with the why I got married stories." I said. We went through it a few times and he did it perfectly on the third try. "Well Tony I don't know why you were worried about that part because you did it perfectly." I tell him. "Thank you But see that's not my worry, my worry is making everything seem real. So do you mind if we go over our other scenes, too. Like when you come in, and the others?" He asked. "OK Tony, as long as the scenes are believable we will be fine, and I think I'll take you up on that drink now." I answered. "I know you would, I'll be right back." He said as he left the room. I fell back down on the couch that we were practicing on. With a few seconds he returned with a wine bottle and two glasses. "I might to tell you that I think it is cool that you have this set up like the real set." He chuckles lightly and says "Why thank you" mocking the way i say my line as he pour the wine and hand me a cup. "Hahaha that was funny" i say sipping on my drink. "I know, and while we are taking this little break, tell me about yourself and I'll tell you all about me." He says as he gets himself comfortable on the couch with his drink. "Ok well what do you want to know?" And from there on we talked for what felt like hours. We talked about his life and goals. We also talked about my goals and dreams in life. We had so much in common, it was so refreshing to talk to someone who had the same views as me. When we finished our conversation the bottle of Wine was gone. "OK Tony it was great talking with you but its getting late, and we did so little rehearsal." I say. "Your so right you think we can do one more run through of our scenes together and call it a night?" He asked. "Ok Tony I'll try but I may not be able to stay in character because this wine has me a out of it." I say."Me too. But I just wanna be ready, so let's do it." He says. "I guess Tony" with a strugg of my shoulders. So we went from the second part of the play when I do my big entrance. I managed to do every line right, but when we did our kiss It seemed to last a lot longer than what it should have been. Or it could have just been the wine talking. But this time his lips were even softer and I wanted to stay on them. Despite my want I broke away once he let me go and it seemed to me he didn't want to. Our next scene was the Why did I get married stories and we made it through that. Then came our bedroom scene. He sang beautifully again, it seemed to have put me in trance. Next thing I know He was leading me to the bed and this time when we went down, we kissed. I my mind I wanted to stop by my body wouldn't let me. As we laid back the kiss seemed to get more and more incense. We were in a full make out session now. Tony was completely laid down now and I was flat on top of him. My whole mind was just going crazy. Next thing I know he flipped us over so he was on top, not once breaking the kiss. Then his hands started traveling all over my body. I couldn't help but run my hands down his perfect abs. The kiss was finally broke and a peck placed on my lips. Tony then said "I love your lips, but I wanna try the other parts too." As he started to kiss on my neck. I gasped for air. I couldn't even think straight. He was hitting every nerve, sending me into an even deeper trance. He started to go lower and lower and then started back up at the top again. I wanted some so bad then I realized that I wasn't doing this with Mike. Once this fully soaked I tried to push Tony off of me, but he kept going. "Tony, Stop I can't, Tony" I said as I tried again to push him. He then realize that I was trying to get him off, so he stopped and got off of me. "I'm so sorry Cheryl! I don't know what came over me!" He said as he put his hand to help me up. I didn't take it and I got up own my own grabbed my bag and said "Look Tony let's just never talk about this OK? Ok, now good night." I then rushed out and got into my car.

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