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Cheryl's P.O.V.

About 10 minutes later he came in with the news. Tony hugged me and I cried uncontrollably. But this time these were tears of joy. The doctor told us "Mr. & Mrs. Grant i just wanted to tell you that your twins are ok."  I was so stocked because we were having twins. This was even better, but i then got myself together to ask him one final question before he left. "Uhm Doctor, What was that pain that I had? And we'll I be able to be deliver them both health?" I asked. He then stopped turned around and said "Mrs.Grant the babies were just moving and changing positions. Now as far as the delivery I don't see any reason why, you are already 5 mouths so any point from here the babies will be fine." Tony and I looked at each other and our mouths dropped. Tony then said "We thought she was only 3 months."  The doctor then rubbed his head and said "Well uhmm, that maybe my fault from me just telling you that you were pregnant and not how long. My apologies." We bobbed our heads so that he would leave out and we could talk. Once he left out we looked at each other. I couldn't help from tearing up because that means that my babies are gonna make it no matter what. Tony hugged me and said "So that means we made them when you were working on the play and I came to see you." I smiled "Yeah, but now that means we have to get a move on it with the room and we have to tell everybody, and have the babyshower." "I got it all under control Cheryl, I will jusy have to fix a few things." Tony said. "Alright Tony, but can we get out of here, you know I can't stand hospitals." I said getting up off the bed. "Ok let's go baby" He told putting his arms around me as we walked out of the room. When we got to the car, I seen that I had some missed calls and texts. They were from My mom, Donna, and T.

My Mom's text said:

Hey baby, I seen you left early, it looked like something was wrong, are you ok?

Donna's text said:

Peps are you ok?

T's text said:

You good? You need anything?

I texted them all the same message saying come to the house tomorrow so I can tell them something important. I told Tony I was ready to tell them now, even though they might already know because I have been getting bigger and I had some mood swings as well. But I still can't believe that I'm 5 months because I don't feel like I look like it. When we got home I was tired from all of the days activities so all I wanted to do was sleep. So Tony and I went upstairs to cuddle and go to sleep. Although before we went to sleep we started to talk about possible names being that we had to pick 2 now. So we decided on Cheri and Teria if they were both girls, Troy and Chad for both boys, or Tj and Chirley if they were a girl and a boy. We wanted to use our to first letters for their names, so that's how we concluded that. Who knows they may change as we go though. When we were finished we finally went to sleep in each others arms. I awoke to an empty bed, I was really upset because I just wanted to lay in his arms just a little bit longer. So I got up to use the bathroom and get dressed. When I came out of the bathroom I smelt food. So I just went downstairs. I didn't put on any clothes I just wrapped a towel around me and went to see about those smells.  And sure enough Tony was downstairs finishing up breakfast. I walked over to him. "Good morning Beautiful" He said without turning his head from the pan. "Good morning handsome, no good morning kiss?" I ask. "Did you brush?" "Of course!" I say making a face. He then turned to me for a kiss then stopped. "What do you have on?" He said biting his lip. "Just my towel why? I just got out the shower. You don't like?" I said. "Of course I like but our family will be here any minute and we don't have time to fool around." He says staring me up and down. Then there was a knock at the door. "See I told you they are here." He said kissing my lips. "Ok well let me run upstairs to get dressed. " I say kissing him back. "Ok" He said kissing me again. "We can't do this now" I said kissing him again. "I know" He said yet again kissing me. There was another knock at the door. "Alright I gotta go." I said kissing him one last time. I then ran up the back steps to our room. While he went to go open the room. I really didn't feel like getting dressed so I threw on a long maxi dress and wrapped up in a blanket so they couldn't see my belly until we tell them because the the dress made it look extra big. Although I have been wearing a lot of black to make me look smaller. I just picked my hair out and had a wave look because I really wasn't going anywhere. When I was finally down I headed downstairs to the family room where everyone was. When I got down there everyone looked at me. "Cheryl why are you dragging a blanket around?" My mom asked. "I'm cold ma" I say not trying to look at her because she can tell when I'm lying. "Ok well what is it that you have to tell us?" Donna asked. I looked at Tony and he grabbed my hand. We looked around at everyone. My parents, his mom, Donna, Tyler, and T. We both took a deep breath "We're having twins." We say as I drop the blanket off of me. My mom started to cry and came to give me a hug, my dad came right after, Tony's mom got a smile so big and came to hug us both, and Donna of course had to be extra so she hugged us both at the same time and said "I knew this was gonna happen once yall did the nasty." And when she broke away she did a little dance that caused both Tyler and T to look at her like she was crazy. They were the last to get over to us and when T came over he said "Oh snap a bunch of little pepsiis running around soon." Laughing. After all the congrats Donna, My mom and my mommy in law all kidnapped me to take me shopping. My dad, Tyler, T and Tony all stayed behind. After hitting just about every baby store near us I got a call from Tony saying that I needed to come home as quickly as possible, so I begged them to take me back and when I got there I couldn't believe my eyes. All I could do was cry.

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