At Last

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Look for the * on where to start the song. Also beware this chapter has x-rated things in it, ~ will inform you where to stop reading if you do not wish to read it.

The time had come for Tony and Cheryl to jump the broom. Cheryl had decided to have the Wedding at a private mansion. It was completely decked out, the lighting, to the decor in the rooms. They had valet parking for guest. This was going to be the wedding of the year. Cheryl felt bad because she felt like she was out doing Donna, so she told Donna  how she felt. Donna said she was  fine because she didn't want a big glamorous wedding. This was Cheryl's    fairytale wedding that she always wanted. Her and Mike's wedding was rushed and she wanted to do it the right way this time. Although now that it was her big day, Cheryl grow nervous.

Cheryl's P.O.V.

I couldn't  belive it, I was about to marry the love of my life. This time it felt so right. But I still had those nerves. It was completely amazing to me that this was happening. "Cheryl it's time to put on your dress." My mom said. "OK Mom." I say. Then my brides maids came in to help me put on my dress because it was so big and heavy. (Dress in the picture above) It took us about 10 minutes to get me in the gown. Once I was in it, my brides maids went to line up. Then my mom took out my pin curls and watched my curls bounce as the fell. "Alright sugar, I'm so proud of you and you look gorgeous." My mom said hugging me. "Thanks Mom." I say as a tear comes to my eye. "It's OK baby, you'll be fine. He loves you." My mom says wiping my face. "Now let's take you to your father so you can walk out." She said grabbed my dress train and motioned for me to move along. So I opened the door and walked out with my mother behind me. My father saw me, started to tear up. "Baby girl, you look so gorgeous." "Thank you dad." My mom walked in. Then my dad kissed my forehead and said "You ready?" I shook my  head yes, then the door opened and we walked in. When I seen Tony our eyes locked. And his eyes popped outta his head. The pastor asked "who gives her away?" "I do" Cheryl's father said. Cheryl then stepped up on the step and her father took his seat. We preceded in the wedding. It was finally time to say our I dos. "Tony Do you take this woman to have and hold in sickness and health, and to love til death due you part?" The pastor asked. Tony looked at me and tighten his gripped then said "I do." The pastor then turned to me. "Cheryl do you take this man to have and to hold, in sickness and health, and to love until death do you part?" "I do." "I now pronounce you man and wife. You may now kiss your bride." The pastor said. And Tony and I shared our first kiss as husband and wife. Our reception was so much fun, it was nothing but happy people and good times. It was finally time for us to go on our honeymoon. I still didn't know where we were going, because Tony wouldn't tell me. "Where are we going Tony?" I asked as we drive off in our car. "Just relax because your gonna need it." He said winking. I pouted. In about 10 minutes we got to a plane. "What's this?" I asked. "It's a plane." He said smirking. "It's mean why are we getting on a plane? " I asked. "It's how people get from place to place." He says being smart. "Whatever Tony" I say rolling my eyes. "Come on and you may wanna take a nap until we reach out location." He said as we sat down and our seat and he signaled to the pilot that we were ready. So I just took a nap and I guess had landed because Tony woke me up and put a blind fold on me. He helped me down the steps and then he picked me up. He then carried me and I opened a door then walked in. "Where are we?" I asked. "You'll find out." He said. "Well can you unblindfold me please?" I ask. "So many questions, just relax I got you." He said as he sat me on a bed. He then started to untie and unzip my dress. He helped me step out. Then laid me out on the bed. "I'm gonna keep you blindfolded for right now, so that you can feel everything."

~X-rated content begans~
*Start song*

Tony said. Lord what was this man about to do to me? I had been wait for this for so long. My mind was going crazy at the possibilities of what was about to happen. Just then I felt a warm sensation down my back. I felt out a sound of relief as he rubbed it in on my back. Once he had it all rubbed in he started to kiss done my back. My back started to arch a little bit. He then flipped me over and poured the oil down the front of me and rubbed it in. He this kissed my lips and started his mission downwards. He went to my neck and hit every spot, even some that I didn't know was there. I was moaning in joy. He started to trail down the middle of my breast. He then even gripped them, massaged each one. He left wet kisses all over them as he licked and sucked his hearts desire. He was sending me into another world. It all felt so good and I just wanted more and more. He had became my drug and I had became addicted. He continued his journey down leaving a trail of wet kisses behind him. I moaned louder and loud the more he did. He finally went down and ate like it was his last. I was going crazy, and my back arched. Just as I was reaching my point he stopped. I let out a huge sigh. I sat up to see what was going on and he pushed me back down. "No, I'm in charge right now." He said while removing his clothes. After he had them off he kissed up my legs and my stomach. Then he slowly slid in. As he slid in he came face to face with me. He turned my head to his and made me look him in the eyes. Once our eyes were locked he started to stroke slowly. We both started to moan in sync with each other. It was the deepest connection I had ever had. I guess this is what he was talking about before. Sharing a connection with someone like this was incredible. The more power he put into it, the better everything got? I couldn't hold anything in I was going crazy. He picked up the pace and my back arched even more. My eyes started to roll back and I came, but he didn't stop. He increased the speed even more and my back arched as far as it could. All I could do was scream "Tony!" He then started to break down the sped and he flipped us over. "Your turn." I bended down to kiss his lips "You sure?" I asked smirking. Then I went crazy. Grinding my hips like crazy and Tony grabbed my hips. "No no no its my turn remember?" I say moving his hands and running my hands down his chest. I could tell that it was getting to be to much for him but I wasn't gonna stop until he gave in. I kept going faster and faster, and finally "Damn! Cheryl" He said as we both came and I rolled over. "I love you." I said. "I love you too" He said as he turned to kiss me. "I'm glad we waited." I said. "I told you. Now let's take a nap then start round 2" He said as he cuddled me and soon we were fast alseep.

End of Cheryl's P.O.V.

Everything had worked out wonderfully. Turns out Tony had took Cheryl to a private island. They enjoyed their selves, they were there for about 1 more week before they came back to deal with everything that happened while they were gone.

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