A True Actress

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When Cheryl left Tony's house she went straight home and took a shower. She couldn't believe what had taken place that night. She was just glad it didn't go to far. Of course her friend, Donna, had called her back from earlier, although Cheryl didn't feel like talking so just decided to call her later. After Cheryl left Tony's house Tony was upset and hoped that he did mess up their friendship. He could have cared less at her marriage, though. Mike had managed to slip away from his job and come home that night as well.

Cheryl's P.O.V.

I couldn't believe what had actually happened tonight. But I mean I kind of didn't wanna stop because it felt so good. No Cheryl. Your married what are you thinking? But he could be cheating. That doesn't mean I should too and plus I'm not 100% sure. I'm just gotta take a shower and laid down.

*This part is R-Rated, if you do not wish to read skip down until the next stars.*

That shower was so needed, I feel so much better. I threw on my PJs and hopped in bed. I just laid back to relax myself. As I was laying there I heard the door open. I looked over at the clock to see it was 10:30 pm, so I guess Mike got off early. Then through the room door came Mike. "Babbyy!" He said. "Hi Mike" I say. "Babe I'm sorry about earlier, and before you say anything I came to finish what I started and I'm turning my phone off." He said turning off his phone and started taking off his clothes. I bite my lip. This reminded me about when we first got together. He climbed on the bed and kissed me. "I love you" he savagina he started kissing my neck and my favorite spot and sliding his hand up my shirt to take it off of me. "Iiii-I love you too!" I moaned as he hit my spot more and more. He started kissing down farther and farther. He licked and nibbled on my nibbles and kept going. When he did that my eyes rolled back and just couldn't take it, so i let out a loud moan. "Ahhhhhh". Once he got down to my waist, he kissed down my leg as he pulled my pants down. Then he kissed back up them and closer to my vagina. And He just went in. It has been so long since I felt this pleasure.

*You can start again*

The next morning, I woke up in a great mood. I was ready to knock this one show out of the way, so I never had to deal with Tony again and I could get on with my life. When I looked over Next to me Mike is not there. This upset me because for once I wanted to wake up in his arms. So I just got out of bed and got myself ready for my long day. Once I was done I realized that I smelt food, so I peeped out the window and I seen that Mike was still home. This made me so happy. I hurried downstairs. To find him making my plate. "Good Morning gorgeous, your finally up" he says as he leans over the counter to give me a kiss. "Good morning babe" I say. He then sits a plate in front of me of Pancakes, eggs,hash browns, grits, and a side bowl if fruit. "For you on your big day." He said. "Awwe baby thank you! You are coming tonight, right?" I ask. "Of course, I wouldn't miss it for the world, now eat up." He says as he hands me a fork. I decided not to ask any more questions because I was in a good mood and I wanted to stay that way. "Alright babe I gotta go now so enjoy." He says leaning over to kiss me again. I pout. "What's the matter?" "I want you to stay." I answer. "Now you want me to be at your play tonight, right?" "Yes I do" "Well I gotta go" I then realized that I hadn't told him about the second half of the play. "Oh, babe! I have to tell you something about the play." He looks over to me and asked "What is it?" "Well I never really got a chance to tell you what the play is about." I say. "Well that's OK, I'll find out when I watch it. Now I gotta go" "No, babe wait," I say as I get up to meet him at the door. I start to fix his tie and continue " I'm trying to tell you about what my character has to do in the play." "What is that?" He says raising his eyebrow. "Well, I have to kiss another man 4 times and," Before I could finish his phone rang. "OK look babe I'm cool with it as long as it just your lips and now I gotta Go foreal, I love You" he said kissing me on the lips, then answering the phone as he walked out the door. I tried to tell him, I just hope he doesn't get mad. I took a look at my watch to see that it was almost time for me to be at the theater. So I got my stuff together and started my way over to the theater. In the car Donna called, so I answered on my Bluetooth car set. "Hey Donna!" "Pepsii, why didn't you call me back yesterday?" She was obviously upset with me. "Girl I'm sorry, last night was very eventful." "Too eventful to give me call?" "Yes Donna" "Well what the hell happened?" "Well you know I had rehearsal, and Mike surprised me after the show to attempt to have sex in my dressing room." "Ohh girl y'all nasty!" "Lol, but anyway before it even got to far his phone rang and he went running again girl." I say rolling my eyes at the thought of it. "Really? Damn, just left you horny, huh?" "Yeah girl, but then the Actor I was telling you about asked if we could rehearse later because we hadn't had long to rehearse, due to our schedule." "You didn't go did you?" "Yes I did and I kinda wish I hadn't now." "Oh god. What happened Cheryl?" "Well let's just say it was a repeat of what happened earlier with Mike except I was under the influence and I stopped it once I realized what happened." "What the hell Cheryl?!?" "Look it wasn't as bad ad it sounds" "It sounds like you were drinking with a fine costar and y'all crossed the line." "Well that's not what happened we were rehearsing then stopped to have a drink and then continued to do one more run through before we called it a night." "Well this while thing is a mess, at least did you tell mike about what happens in the play?" "I only got to tell him about the kissing because he was running late cause he made me feel good last night and made me breakfast this morning." "Wow PEPs you got a lot on your hands" "I know I know but I don't know what to do about it and we're gonna have to finish this later because I'm going into the theater now" I say cutting my car off and getting out. "Ok Cheryl, well I'll see you tonight. Good luck til then." "Ok and thanks, bye now." I walked into the theater and to my dressing room. When I got in there it was to sets of flowers. I went over to one and pulled the card it read:

To my lovely Cheryl ,

I love you with all my heart! Good luck tonight. Break a leg. I know you'll rock this show because your that great. And I have something for you after the show. Love you.
Forever love you
I picked up the next card and it read:


I'm so sorry about yesterday. I didn't mean for things to go that far. I hope I didn't push us to far past the friendship barrier. I hope we can still be friends. And Break a leg tonight.

I throw Tony's card in the trash. I choose not to think about the things that took place last night. I just wanna make it there the night like nothing happened. Next thing there was a knock on my door. "Who is it?" "Its Tony" "Come in" in came Tony. " I taught you wouldn't let me in because of what happened last night." "I don't know what your talking about Tony" I say knowing damn well what he was talking about. "Come on Cheryl you know what Im talking about." He says as he touch's my arm. I remove his hand and said "no I don't and I'm sure not husband would not approve of you touching me right now. Now you can leave because I have to get in character." I say as I point to the door. He mumbles something under his breathe as he walks out. Although I don't pay him no mind. I knew I secretly loved what happened last night, it was something different and more exciting, but I'm married so I have to stay true to my vowels. It was finally time to doing the real show Tyler gave his pep talk and we started the play. When I got on stage I seen My Mother, My Father, Donna, and My Husband. I was so happy that they all came to see me perform. I rocked the first half and know it was time to do the second half. I was kind of scared but I gave into my character. I played that part so good I shocked myself. After the bedroom scene I seen that Mike was a little upset but he sat there. After the play was over everyone came back out to do the end credits. When we were done I handed back to my dressing room to find an upset Mike. Oh Lord.

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