Perfect Fit

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Look for the * to know where to start the song

Cheryl's P.O.V.

I was so happy for Donna and Tyler. They are such a cute couple. Their wedding was in about 3 weeks and Donna asked me to do some running around for her. Of course I agreed being that I'm the maid of honor. As I was driving I noticed I had a call, so I answered on my Bluetooth set in the car. "It seems like forever" he sang. I knew it was Tony right then and there, so I finished the lyrics. "That I've waited for you." "Damn baby you hit that note." He said. "So did you" I say smiling. "Thank you my sweet lady." He said. "Of course" he always is doing something to make me smile. "What are you doing?" He asked. "Oh I'm just running around for Donna."
I answered. "Well can my busy lady make time to have lunch with me?" He asked. "Yes she can always make time for you." I said. I could tell that he was smiling. "Ok well meet me at our favorite spot in a hour and a half." "Ok see you there" "Love you." I love when he says that. "love you too." I said. Then our phone call was over. That man forever brightens up my day. After about 10 minutes I got to the bridal shop for Donna's final fitting and my dress fitting. When I got in I seen that Donna was already here. "Hey sista!" I said. "PEPs!" She said getting up to hug me. "So you ready to do this?" I said. "Umm why are you so uppy?" She asked me. "What are talking about?" I ask as we walk in the back. "You have a glo today, you guys did it didn't you?" She asked turning around to me. "Noo girl, we just have a lunch date in a little bit." I say. "Not smiling like that." She said. "Look Donna he just really makes me happy." I say pushing her along. "Ook Cheryl." She said. "So where is this dress of yours?" I asked. "Oh its already in my room, but we have to pick out yours" she said walking over to a rack of purple dresses. Then she picked up a purple dress with a sweet heart neckline, a rinestone top and a ruffled bottom. "I found your dress Peps, this screams you." "Ok Donna, its your wedding." "What you don't like it?" She asked. "I don't like the ruffles." I tell her. "Ok wait a minute." She came back with the same exact dress except the bottom was straight. "I love it!" I said "good now let's try these on." She said pulling me towards our two fitting rooms. After about 2 minutes I had my dress on and came out to look in the mirror. The dress looked so good on me, and the purple complimented my skin tone. I was feeling it. Then Donna came out, she was breathe takingly stunning. Her dress has sweet heart neckline as well. It was tight fitted until right under her butt, the it came out the a princess ball gown. There were little diamonds all over it, and a crusted lining along the middle it. She was so gorgeous. "Wow Donna I don't even know what to say." Tears of joy filled my eyes. She then stepped in front of the mirror to look at her self. She instantly started to cry. "What's wrong?" I asked. "My mom and dad aren't going to with me as I walk down the aisle." She said crying harder, I ran over to her "Don't say that, they will be right there next to you smiling as you take this big step." I say rubbing her back. Donna's parents died of cancer a fee years ago. Her mother had breast cancer and her father had lung Cancer. "Your right Cheryl" she said wiping her eyes. "Now come on let's get you all fixed up." I say. We then got back into our regular clothes and headed out. Donna had to meet up with Tyler for the food and cake testing. I was headed to lunch with my boothang, until I got a phone call. I answered on the Bluetooth set. "Hello?" I answered. "My baby love!" He sang. "Hey baby." I said. "Girl you know I love you right?" "Of course I do big daddy." I say biting my lip. "You me too right?" He askd. "You know I do." "Good! Now there has been a slight change of plans, I have a meeting that I have to attend with a record label,so would it be ok with you my love if we did dinner tonight?" He asked. "Ok Tony." I say a little irritated. "Don't be mad my love I'll be making it up to you tonight, and stop frowned my beautiful face up because I know you are right now." He said he always is trying to make me laugh. "Ok Tony" "Iii lovee you baby love." "Love you too." I hung up. I was so upset, I was really looking forward to our lunch date. I guess I'll have to wait. So I decided to call my mom and she didn't answer, then I called my dad he didn't answer either, so i just went home. When I got there I took a nap. After my nap I had a text from Tony: hey Cheryl I know you probably went home and took a nap, so when you wake up get dressed and call me. He always thinks he knows what I'm doing. This men. But I did what the message said because I was ready to see my baby. So I hopped a shower and put on a tight black sparkly dress with my back out. Then I put on my solid black red bottoms. Then I did my makeup and curled my hair. Tony never seen me this dressed up before I couldn't wait to see his reaction. I sent him a text saying I was ready he said that he would be to get me in 5 minutes. When he got there he came to the door and knocked. I opened it and said "you have a key don't you?" Then I realized that he had a dozen roses and some cupcakes. "Awwe You didn't have to baby." I say kissing him on the cheek as he walked by. He went to put them in the kitchen. I closed the door and followed behind him. When I got in there he had just sat everything down and turning around. He looked damn good in his all black suit. Lord this man was so fine. And I guess he spotted me, because his mouth dropped opened. "You like?" I ask as I walk over to him as sexy as I can. He took my hand and spun me around to get a full view. "Damn!" He said. I blushed. "I swear you get even more gorgeous everytime I see you." He said biting his lip. "I see your trying to keep up with me too" I say wicking. "Girl you know I look good" he said spinning his self around. "You look good with me" I say. He turn turned back to me and pulled me close "oh really?" "Yeah" I say kissing him. "I know you do" he said. "You know I do what?" I asked. "I know you look good with me" he said. "Hahaha now are we gonna go?" I ask walking towards the door. Tony walked up behind me and grabbed my butt, "Now we are." He then opened the door for me and I walked out and he locked the door. "Where is your car?" I asked because I didn't see it in the drive way. He then pointed to the car in front of my house. I didn't notice it, then when I looked I seen that it was a Benty. "Tony what is this?" I asked as he opened the door for me. "oh just something to switch it up a little." He said closing the door. "So where are we going?" I asked. "So many questions, just relax." He said touching my leg as he pulled off. We drove for about a half and hour then we stopped. "Hm, I have to run in here before we go, so sit tight, I be right back." He said. "What?" I asked. "Just sit tight for a moment." He said getting out. Did he really just leave me in the car? I can't believe him. After about 5 minutes, One of the hotel workers came to my door and start "Ma'am the Gentlemen who you came with asked me to bring you up and have someone park the car." I didn't want to bit something in me told me to just go ahead. "Ok" I unlocked the door and he opened it and helped me out. Another hotel staff took the car to park it. I then realized that i was at the Empire State Building. I was walked into the building and on the elevator. The lady on the elevator suggested that I look out as we went up because the view was great. When we got to able the 98th floor I noticed that the lights read something.

*Start Song Here*

"Cheryl?" That's me. "Will?" "You?" "Marry?" "Me?" I turned around to ask the elevator lady if what I was seeing was correct, but when I turned around the doors were open and there was Tony down on one knee and my family around him. Lord this man, instantly tears filled my eyes as I realized what was going on. The elevator lady signaled for me to walk over to him. He took my hand "Cheryl I love and you know I do along with everyone around us. I told you that I will always be here no no matter what, and that I go crazy when I'm not near you. You have became such a huge part of me. But in all reality I started to love you when we first met. I know we have had our ups and downs, but I wanna take this time to make you mine because I know that god created you for me. To be my better half. Cheryl you Complete me. And I want to be able to call you Mrs.Grant. Will you Marry me Cheryl?" He asked. I couldn't even answer. All I could do was cry and shake my head yes. He put the ring on my finger and got up. He then grabbed my face and kissed me. It felt like I was floating and we were the only two in the world. I didn't want him to let me go. But he broked the kiss to say "I love you." And I said "I love you too." Then I heard all thr clapped and realized that we weren't alone. All I could do was smile. I was going to be marrying the love of my life.

End of Cheryl's P.O.V.

The next week was Donna and Tyler's wedding everything was gorgeous. They went off to Paris for their honeymoon. Cheryl and Tony decided to have their wedding he following month. Tony told Cheryl that she could plan the wedding and that he would tale care of the honeymoon. Although we should always remember that haters are gonna be haters. So we should always watch our backs.

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