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Cheryl sped up to make a light and got T boned. She was rushed to the hospital. When she got there they called Mike and rushed there. They took her into the ER and did surgery. She needed blood and was deemed in a unconscious state. She was pronounced in a coma a few hours later. Once Tyler found out he rushed to her. Tony heard and instantly got upset. He got to the hospital to find Her family, Tyler and Mike in the waiting room. Donna got there just in time as Mike was approaching Tony.

"Why the hell are you here!" Mike said walking over to Tony. "Because Cheryl is hurt and I care about her." Tony answered trying to remain Calm. "Yeah You cared enough to feel all over my wife too, huh?" Mike said pushing Tony. Donna could see that Tony was ready to come back Mike, so she stepped in. "Wooh wooh, stop it, now if your gonna argue then let's take it outside." "Let's go outside then" Tony said pointing to the door. "No I'm cool my wife is in here and I need to be with her." Mike said. "Oh now you wanna be your wife? You don't have to work now? Mike I know what you do, I have friends that work with you and told me about what you do." Tony said with a smirk. "You know what let's take this outside." Mike said. "For sure" Tony said walking outside. Then Donna grabbed him and said "Y'all are not about to box, now go sit down like 2 grown men so we can wait to hear what happened and if she is ok." The 2 sat in different sides of the waiting room. It was completely quite in there except for the sobbing of Cheryl's Mother. About 20 minutes later the Doctor came in the room. Immediately everyone stood up. He walked over to Cheryl's mother and father and said "She is stable but she will be in a coma for about a week." Her mother cried louder and harder. "Are you sure my baby girl is gonna be alright?" Her father asked. "As long as her body takes the blood she should be fine."the doctor answered. The doctor left the room. "Why did he talk to you! She is MY wife!" Mike says pointing at himself. "Yo chill, can't you see how hurt they are? Plus she is their daughter." Tony said as he stood up and pulled Mike away. "Ok you son, but I can take care of this." Cheryl's father says to Tony. "Alright Mike now I have tolerated you for long enough, I told Cheryl not to marry your sorry ass. But my hardheaded babygirl never listens, she said that she seen something in you. She said that she wanted to help you grow and reach your full potential. She said dad he is the one, but yet you never paid her any attention. And once you got that job of yours that she got for you! You never were around and I know you even forgot her birthday, too! And I wouldn't be surprised if you had something to do with this because your the last one to be seen with her! You know what I don't want you anywhere near my daughter! Doctor! Doctor!" In came the doctor "Yes?" "I don't want this man anywhere near my Daughter!" Her father said pointing at Mike. "Ok sir." The doctor said while taking note, then left the room. "So you gonna try and tell me how to treat my wife? I bet she didn't tell you that she slept with him over there the other night." Mike said pointing over at Tony. Cheryl's dad looked shocked. "Now wait a minute first off we never had sex. And it was you who was screwing your boss to get up in the business because you knew that she wanted you!" Tony said. Then everyone looked at Mike Shocked.
Moments later Cheryl's father got up and said "Is it true?" Mike stayed quiet. "I said is it true!" He said stepping closer to Mike. Mike was still quite. "You better answer me boy or you'll end up in here too!" "Alright alright, yes I di...." Mike answered but before he could finish Cheryl's father punched him. He fell to the fall. "Doctor!" In came the doctor. "Yes?" "Please take this man and don't let him anywhere near my daughter!" "Ok sir" the doctor said helping Mike up. Once they were out her father turned to Tony. Everyone else in the room just looked around. Tyler then said "Ok Mr. & Mrs. Riley, I have to head out, please keep me updated, and Donna it was nice meeting." "Yeah, I gotta go to. Mom and Dad keep me up to date. I love you talk to you later." Donna said giving then kisses. "Tyler you mind if I walk out with you?" "No, come on." Tyler answered. The two walked out together. Cheryl's father then said "Now back to you." Going back over to Tony. "You interested in my baby girl?" "Yes sir, I am. I think that she is the most breathe taking creation known to man. From the head on her shoulders and her great personality to her drop dead gorgeous looks and extraordinary voice." Tony said. "Awwe that is so beautiful" Cheryl's mother said as she moved over to where they were.

From then on they talked and got to know Tony. The more they talked with him the more they loved him.
Cheryl was in the coma for 2 weeks. Tony was there everyday along with her mother and father. Donna came everyday the first week, but she could no longer take seeing her best friend like that, so she had came 2 days out of the second week. Tyler had come to visit 5 days out of the 2 weeks.

Cheryl had finally came through after the two weeks.

Cheryl's P.O.V.

I opened my eyes to find myself in an unfamiliar room.
"Where am I?"
I then heard an unfamiliar voice.

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