Who did I marry? Pt.1

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~Cheryl's P.O.V.~

I looked at her then back at Tony for him to tell me who she was. "Uhm Tony who is this?" She asked pointing at me like I couldn't see her. I had to refrain from gripping that bitch up. I looked at Tony to wait for his response. "This gorgeous woman right here, is my lovely wife that I am so lucky to have." He said. I smiled. "Hi I'm Mrs.Grant" I say to that trick with a fake smile. "Hi I'm Trisha Mann, nice to meet you." She said reached for a hand shake. "I know." I say then I turn back to Tony and said. "The twins missed you so much." His face lit up again. "I missed my babies too." He said as he bent over to pick up Shirley and Mercy unbuckled TJ so that she could hand him to Tony. "They are so gorgeous." I heard Trisha say. "Look I'm sure they are thankful for the compliment but this is a family moment so if you could go bye bye, that would be nice." Mercy said. I knew I brought her along for some reason. I looked over at Trisha and smirked. "Well since I'm obviously not wanted here, I just wanted to say Great performance Tony and that the crew is going out to dinner to celebrate." Trisha said. "Thanks and I won't be attending today, I'll see you tomorrow." He said without turning his head from the twins. I heard her huff and storm off, oh well. "Tony I wanna go out tonight with you, Mercy already agreed to watch the twins for us tonight." I say. He looked at me, "You know I would love to, but what about family time?" "Baby we are here all week." I say smiling. "I like that" he said pecking me on the lips. "I knew you would." I said. "Well look, I gotta finish up around here, you know how things are, but as soon as I finish I'll meet you at your hotel. Where are you staying?" He asked handing me one of the twins so that we could put them back in their seats. "Oh we're at the Ritz-Carlton." I say already knowing what's coming next. "Me, too. That's great!" He said. "Yeah it is, see you later." I said wicking before I gave him a kiss. "Alright bye pepsexy, my beautiful children, see you Mercy." He said as we were walking away. "Oh I think I like that name." I say as I look back while walking away. "Girl she was grilling yall down, the whole time." Mercy said as we walked out to the building to the car. "I know girl I could feel her." I said. "She was mad as hell when he kissed you like that." She said as we were hooking the twins in the car. "I bet she was." I told Mercy. "I told her to go on somewhere because she was green with jealousy." Mercy said as we were headed back to the hotel. "I'm just glad I had that feeling to come down here." I say. Mercy agreed. We went back to the hotel. We got the twins settled in and ready for the night. They should be sleeping in about an hour or so. So Mercy shouldn't have much of anything to do. I went to get ready. I put on a bad ass piece of lingerie and slipped on a trench coat with a pair of red bottoms to match the lingerie. I curled my hair and pinned it all to one side. I did my makeup and while I was got a text from Tony asked what my room number was. I went back to finish up my makeup. Not long after the text there was a knock at the door so I told Mercy to get it, while I put on some perfume. Once I was done in came out of the bathroom, and I seen Tony playing with the twins and Mercy was watching TV. I cleared my throat and Tony looked at me. "Breath-taking as usual." He said pecking me on the lips. "Awe thank you." I say. We said our goodbyes to the twins and Mercy then we left. On the way to the elevator he told me her was on this floor too and showed me his room. Ironically it was right next to that trick. That just make my plans even better and pissed me off a little bit. We headed out to dinner. Once we got to the restaurant we sat down and ordered our food. Then I started my interrogation. "So how has the tour going?" I ask. "It's good, but the I've been on better." He answered. "So how did you meet Trisha?" I ask. "I knew her from the past and she called me and asked if I'd do the play for her." He said. "The past?" I ask. "Yeah like when I was younger." He said. "Well how did you meet her?" I asked him again. He started to look nervous. "Well?" I ask. "I don't think we should talk about this here." He said. "What do you mean?" I ask. "I'll tell you but I can't right now and right here. There is to many people." He said. "What do you mean? Is this something like what I told you? For your own good I hope it's not. Because you judged me really harshly." I say clearly angered. "Look look look, calm down. Ok. I'll explain everything to you. But for now can we please enjoy our food?" He asked. I rolled my eyes and just sat there quietly. The food came moments later and we ate. I was pissed and my mind was racing. He knew that it was best to let me cool down before anything happens next. We finished our meal and walked across the street. "Cheryl this is a reason I walked out when you first told me.........."

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