Donna's Time

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4 weeks later

Cheryl's P.O.V.

Tony went back on tour after his visit but we talked way more and he has been trying to convince me to bring the twins out to see him. I really don't know how I feel about taking them on a plane, though. I don't even like taking them out the house. But I guess they have to come out at some point and time. Anyway today they were gonna end up coming with me because my parents and Tony's Mom were busy. I was going shopping with Donna. Her time was fast approaching as well and her baby shower was this weekend. So we had to get a few last minute things and I was hoping that I'll be able to ditch her so that I can get her gift and a few extra things but we'll see. I shot her a text.

On my way now getting the twins in the car.

I checked my phone once I got situated in the car and she had texted me back.

I'm ready

With that we were on our way. I pulled up our front of Donna's house and blow the horn. Moments later she came out and got it the car. "I see were in the momma mobile today." She said laughing. "Ha ha ha, very funny soon you'll have one to so I don't wanna hear it." I say rolling my eyes, laughing. "Toshay, but anyway what do we still need for this weekend?" She as she laughed. "Well we just need chair covers, ribbons and the matching bows." I told her. "So this shouldn't take long then?" He asked. "Hopefully no, why?" I asked. "Well because I know you don't like to have the twins out like that and my feet have started swelling up after a lot of walking. " She said. "Oh well I mean the twins are 9 months now, they gotta get outside sometimes, so I'm venturing with it a little bit, and on your side I told you to let me handle it, but no you just had to be front and center." I say rolling my eyes and laughing at the end. "Well after we get what we need you can take me home, if you feel that way." She said with a fake attitude. "Girl get over yourself and come on because we are here." I said. We got out and go the twins in the stroller and went into the store it took us about 45 minutes to find everything, then we went to grab a bite to eat. After that I managed to get Donna to go home. Now I was free to get her surprise together. After I got all her stuff together I decided to take the twins out for a walk because it was so new nice out. We'll we were walking I get a FaceTime call on my phone. It was Tony. "Hey baby!" I said. "Hey gorgeous!" He said. I seen a bench so I when to sit down and I pulledthe stroller in front of me. "Damn." Tony said. "What?" I asked. "You get more and more beautiful every time I see you!" He said. "Awwe baby!" I say. "I miss you." He said. "I miss you more." I replied. "Well come see me." He said. "Tony I told you I'm thinking about it, I don't know how I feel about taking the kids on a plane yet, baby." I tell him. "I know I know, I just really want you to think about it, please." He says. "I am I am, now would you like to see the twins?" I asked. "You know I do." He said. I turned it to the back camera so he could see them. The twins were just a laughing at his baby talk. Then I heard him call for me. So I turned the camera back around. "Yes?" I asked. "I gotta go, I'll talk to you later." He said. "Ok I love you." I say making a kissy face. "I love you more." He says grabbing the kiss as he hung up. "Well mommy's babies, let's get back to the house so I can feed you guys.

~That following weekend~

It was finally time for Donna's baby shower. Everything was in place and ready to go. Only thing now was to get the future mommy and daddy here. I sent Tyler a text telling him that they can come on. Not after long they got there. We served the food, then played the baby shower games. After the games were done, it was time for them to open their gifts. "Alright everybody it's time for gifts." I say directing everyone's attention to Donna and Tyler. Once all of the gifts were open, I figured it was time for my gift. "Hold on, we're not done." I said. "I don't see nothing else." Donna said. I clapped my hands and said "Bring it in" In came a customize crib for their baby girl, that Donna always dreamed of, also in came the stroller that Donna wanted but couldn't find it anywhere. I looked over at Tyler and Donna. Donna was in complete shock with tears in her eyes and Tyler looked like he was tearing up slightly. "That's not it." I say. "I also have something I want to say." Then I began to sing my classic Thanks for My Child, but I remixed it a little only because I can do that. Before I could finish the last hook Donna had ran over to me and hugged me. "Thank you so much! You are the best friend that anyone could ever ask for, I love you so much" She exclaimed. Tyler came over before I could say anything and said "you ate truly amazing, do you know that? Thank you so much." "You guys are so welcome, yall know I gotta make sure my god baby is good." With that the Dj turned up the music and everyone danced their butts off until the end of the party. After the clean up of the party, I went home, bathed the twins and put them to sleep. Then I got myself a shower and I went to bed, too. But I woke up mad as hell, because I had a dream that Tony's boss, was trying to come on to him and holding his job and career over his head. So I had finally made up my mind, we were going to see Tony.

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