Even Sweeter pt. 1

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Cheryl's P.O.V.

They asked me "Ma'am do you know of anyone that would have any ill will against you?" Once I came back to reality, I simply answered "No, I'm not sure." Knowing damn well, I had an idea. "Look right now all I wanna do is get in the bed." I say turning to Tony knowing that was a lie too. "Alright ma'am, well if you think of anything let us know, and if we find out anything." The officer said. "Alright baby, you ready?" Tony asked me. "Yeah." I said and we walked back to the truck and headed home. In the truck Tony said, "I'll come back tomorrow and get your stuff for you." And then he put his  hand on my leg and rubbed it. "It's all gonna be ok." I stayed quite and just looked out the window. I had something I wanted done, but first I needed my fix. As soon as Tony had locked the door, I pinned him to the door as best as I could. "Whoa Cheryl!" He said. I got on my tippy toes to whisper in his ear. "I want you to take me and disrespect my body on every room of this house." Tony licked his lips, picked me, and said "Your wish is my comand." With a smirk. We were at it until about 4 in the morning. I love that side of him. It's like he becomes a sex monster. I think we really did go in every room. Now that I had my fix I was ready for my revenge. My smile grew evil and I laid down. I couldn't wait for the morning.

I woke up in Tony's arms. And I just love to wake up in his arms. I looked up and he was wide awake. "Baby?" I asked. "Yes?" He said. "What you doing?" "I'm watch the most beautiful thing I ever laid eyes on." He said. "Awwe baby." I said smiling and then pushed my head up to kiss him. We laid there for a while. Then we got up and took a shower together, while getting another fix, too. Then I got dressed to slay. I put on a bad ass jean shirt dress and a pair or black red bottoms. I put spiral curls in my hair and did my makeup on. "Damn baby where you going" Tony said walking up on the back of me, grabbing but my butt. "I got some business to take care of today. " I said. "Well I hope I'm on your to do list." He said pulling me closer from behind. "You still want more, daddy?" I asked. "You damn right I do, mamí" He whispered in my ear. I turned around and said "I guess I got you addicted." With a smirk. "Maybe you do." He said kissing my lips. "I know I do." I said and he kissed me again. "How?" He asked kissing me again. "Because you keep kissing me" I said and he kissed me again. "Well then I guess your right." He said. "I know I am, now baby I gotta go." I say kissing him one last time. "Ok well make sure you bring that ass back to me." He said smacking my butt as I walked away. I love that man so much and this time I knew he loved me. Now I was ready to get my revenge  and it was going to be sweet.

I drove myself over to Mike's job. I heard that he quit and moved away, but I don't know and I didn't care. I had one thing on my mind. I put the swag, sass, and sexy in the definition of walking. I looked good too, and I shook my hair and let the curls bounce. I was planning on being extra petty today. I went up to the top floor. The lady at the desk greeted me, "Hi ma'am welcome to McDonald's headquarters. How may I help you?" "I'm here to see Jasmine" I said with a bold smirk. "You have an appointment ma'am?" She asked. "No I'm an old friend and I came to surprise her, so please just point me to her office and don't call." I asked with a wicked smile. "Awwe that's cute go head, and wait aren't you Cheryl Pepsii Riley!?" She asked. "Shhhh! But yes that's me." I say. "Is love all your plays and all your music! I'm a huge fan!" She says. Now this girl looks like she is in her mid 20s. I'm glad I reach out to the new youth as well. She must have a good family. "Here give me paper and pen and I'll  give you an autograph." I said. "I have your Still Believe CD right here, can you sign this?" She asked. "Sure!" She then handed me the CD and I signed it. When I gave it back to her she hugged it and said "Thank you! Thank you!" Then she pointed me in the direction of the office. As I walked back to the office, I turned all heads. I finally reached her door. I didn't knock, I just opened the door and walked in. "Sara I taught I told you to..." She said as she turned around to find me, which must have shocked the hell outta her because her whole face changed. "Hello Jasmine" I said closing the door behind me, and placing my hand on my hip as I smirked. "Cheryl?" She asked. "In the flesh trick." I answered. "What?" She asked, trying to act as clueless as she could. "I said in the flesh trick!" She looked stunned. I walked over to her, "You think your slick? No your not! I know what and who you been doing for the past few years. Now look here I'm not the same little girl from high school. I will beat your ass right and right now and still get away with it. Now I want you to stay away from me and my new man or you'll come up missing. Yeah I said my new man, too. You can keep Mike's ass. Oh and this is not the last you'll see of me because you crossed the line way to many times." Her face was completely stunned at the things that I said. "Now you better understand that you have waken the storm." I say smirking as I walked to the door. But before i could open the door her assistant came in "Ms. J, Lenny called and said that he is going to have to cancel the dinner date tonight night because he has to leave town." I instantly started laughing "You always end up with my seconds." I then threw my shaded on and walked out. Now to finish the rest of my plan.....

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