The Gift

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Tony and Cheryl decided that the weird box shouldn't be opened, so they simply put it near the trash can. Little did Tony know Cheryl shoot T a text for him to come see what it was, while Tony was running Cheryl a nice bath to relax. Meanwhile the idea of a baby came into the mind of Donna, but she didn't say anything because she didn't want to stop Tyler from going on the road and doing what he loved. Cheryl's mother and father's anniversary was slowly approaching, so Cheryl and Tony were planning to throw them an 50th anniversary party. Once T got the box he let Cheryl know that it was a note it the box that said "I heard your having kids, congrats"  This kind of made Cheryl uneasy but T told her he would get to the bottom of everything.

2 weeks later

Cheryl's P.O.V.

I was still a little creeped out about the box because T said there was no buzz about it on the street, so we don't know where it came from. On the other hand Tony and I were enjoying our pregnancy.  Although my hormones were starting to get the best of me, Tony still managed to deal with me. I was either crying, anger, hungry, or horny. I just couldn't help and with us planning my parents anniversary dinner it was even worse. It got to the point where Tony decided to hire a planner so I didn't have to worry so much. This kind of made me upset because I wanted to plan it! Their my parents and yet again he reminds me that I'm pregnant and can't be doing a whole lot. Then I tell him it's his fault and he comes back with you want enjoyed though. But anyway I didn't feel like getting out of bed so I was laying there thinking. Then I got a text so I sat up to read it. It read:

Did you miss me? I'll be back for you.

Once it all clicked, I slowly started to freak out and cry. So many things started to rush through my head. I immediately sent a text to T because he took care of things like this. I didn't wanna let Tony know about this stuff because I didn't wanna tell him about my past. Although I sometimes feel like it caused a divide between us because he doesn't know and I can't always be completely honest with him. Donna said me that I need to tell him, but yet she hasn't told Tyler everything. Anyway T simply texted me back and said that he was on it, and I should get out of the house. So I called Tony to see if he could come get me and we spend some time together. He told me that he had a meeting and I would have to wait about a hour or two. So I called Donna and she said she would to me in about 30 minutes because she was finishing up a client. So I got myself together and texted Tony to tell him that I was gonna go with Donna. When I was finished getting dressed Donna was already outside waiting.  So I wobbled my way out to the car. "Hey girl" I said "Hey my future god baby, oh hi Cheryl" She said playful as she rubbed my belly. "You are so funny" I say rolling my eyes. "Hey now with the attitude, but where are we going?" She asked as she put the car in drive. "It doesn't matter to me, I just want to get out the house." I answered. "Oh really? Are you sure?" She asked again. "You know what how about we do some baby shopping then go eat?" I say finally making up my mind. "Alright I have the perfect place." She said then she turned up the radio and we grooved as she drove to our unknown destination. When she parked the car I looked up to found that we were at Baby N' Boutique. "I always wanted to come here!" I said getting out of the car. "I figured that you'd enjoy this place, it's like a mall just for babies." Donna said as we started to walk through the door. That place was amazing. It's like it went on for ever. There was a huge dress section, with dresses for every occasion you could think of. Then there was a outfit section with what looked like millions of outfits. I also seen shirt and pant sections as well. They were all so organized. I seen a sign that said upstairs was the furniture, but I didn't need to worry about that because Tony already did the room. On the sign it also said that there was a daycare for mothers who wish to shop in peace and a market floor with baby food. This place was literally heaven for every mother. Donna and I spent almost 3 hours going through that store and still didn't see everything. We had to leave because my feet were started to hurt and I was hungry. "We gotta go back there!" I said excited as Donna put the car in park because we were outside the restaurant. "Yeah I guess" Donna said with a sigh. I could tell something was wrong with her so I tried to lighten thing up a little bit. "Maybe next time we come, it will be for you." I say nudging her, while raising my ear brow. She looked at me and was about to say something then she just started to cry. I reached over to hug her the best I could and rub her back. "What's the matter D?" I asked after a while. She then sat up wiped her face and cleared her throat. "I want to have baby, I really do, but I don't wanna stop Tyler from going on the road and I know I normally go along to do the hair and makeup but I don't wanna raise my baby up on the road or without Tyler around." "I can understand that D." I said. "But how are you and Tony gonna do it? You both are actors." She asked. "Well I plan to take a small break from acting and just work on my music. Now Tony on the other hand will be doing plays, shows, and same work in the studio as well. We figure that we can work it all out, once it happens." I answered. "But how do you know everything is going to be ok?" She asked. "Sometimes you just have to go for what you want and pray to God that everything works out, talk to Tyler about it you may be surprised." I say. "Ok thanks, now don't you tell nobody about me crying!  You got it!" I laughed and shook my head in agreement. Donna was never a softie to the public, but she was always so open with me and I'm glad because she needs that. "Now can we go eat please? The twins are having a fit." I say clutching my stomach. "Yeah come on my god babies!" She said laughing. So we went in and ordered our food. As we walked in a noticed a weird guy in a trench coat with a hat and you really couldn't see his face. I felt like was watching me. Anyway after we ordered Donna went to the bathroom. Moments after she left I felt hands run down my back, causing my back to arch lightly, and me to jump. "Who in the..!!" And before I could finish I turned around to find the man that I since as we came in. "What the hell man!" I said loudly. Then the man simply took his hat off to show a face that I never wanted to see again. "Well hello to you to Cheryl" He said with a smirk. "I just wanted to say congrats on you giving that man a baby, I hope he knows about what happened, so he doesn't get his hopes up." I was about to say something but he continued " I knew you two would end up together. But what I do want to say is that you will be mine again, because you were mine first, therefore you are always gonna be mine." And with that he was gone. I couldn't belive what just happened. Seconds later Donna comes back. "You alright?" She asked looking concerned. "Girl you won't believe what just..." Before I could finish I felt hands around me. "Get the hell off of me Mike! Or I'll get T and the boys to take care of you!" I yelled turned around to find a shocked,  soon angered Tony. "What the hell Cheryl? Mike? Really? And what do you mean by T and the boys will take care of you? Who are the bots?" He yelled. I looked back at Donna, and she just sat there. "Can we talk about it when we get home?" I asked. "No! We need to talk about this now Cheryl!"  I guess I was actually going to have to tell him.  Donna then spoke up "No you guys need to talk in a safer place and this is not safe." "What do you mean safe? Why does that matter?" He asked angrily. "Look it does now let's go, we already made a scene." I really didn't want to have to tell him about it like this.

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