Hey Pretty(Clexa)

Start from the beginning

Clarke mustered up some resolve. Her friends - crass as they were - had a point. She had to put herself out there. And this woman was the first person she'd felt such an immediate attraction to in a long time. She bit her lip. The least she could do was try.

"Really, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to separate you from your...date." This was a totally sincere and heartfelt apology. Clarke really was sorry. And if she was also fishing a little, that didn't detract from her remorse.

"...I was not on a date."

Clarke fist pumped. On the inside. On the outside she was cool and calm and collected. "Well, I'm sorry to take you away from your friends. It's just that mine are assholes who wouldn't come with me, and I just really, really-"

"Love Ferris Wheels?"

Her mouth snapped shut, cheeks heating immediately. Her eyes shied away, fingers tugging nervously at the hem of her shirt. "Yeah." She hushed out.

A low chuckle trickled to her ears. Her head swiveled, eager to catch the sight to match the sound. She wasn't disappointed. Full lips quirked into a wry, lopsided grin, eyes lit with mirth and holy hell this girl may just be the prettiest thing Clarke had ever seen in her entire life. She extended her hand. "Clarke Griffin."

There was a beat of hesitation, then a warm hand clasped her own, squeezing lightly. "Lexa Woods. Pleasure to meet you, Clarke."

Clarke swooned. Her voice. It was sweet and smooth, even and measured. It was a voice suited for speeches and soliloquies. And the way her mouth formed around her name, rolling off her tongue, clicking hard on the "k," it sent delighted little shivers down her spine.


Clarke blinked. Green eyes studied her and Clarke felt very much like she was being assessed. She locked her muscles, willing herself not to fidget under that intense stare. A dark eyebrow ticked up, gaze flicking to their joined hands.

Their still joined hands.

She immediately dropped her grip, blush rising fast and hot up her neck. "Sorry," she muttered.

Lexa merely hummed in response, turning to face forward. Clarke clasped her hands on her lap, just barely able to keep from twiddling her thumbs like a child. The Ferris Wheel swayed gently as it continued to circle higher, and the two sat in silence as they rose closer to the apex.

Clarke couldn't help but sneak peeks at the woman next to her, drinking in that regal profile. She was struck with the urge to fill the quiet, but her tongue felt thick and clumsy in her mouth, so she placated herself with stolen glances.

Although it appeared she wasn't as stealthy as she thought she was, because Lexa turned to her, expectant look on her face.


Clarke gulped. Well shit. What does one say when one is caught leering? She opened her mouth to offer up an explanation.

Nothing came out. Her jaw snapped shut. She tried again.

Again nothing.

Damn. Now Lexa probably thought she was a complete and utter moron in addition to being a creep.

She was on the verge of blurting out something most probably stupid when the ride let out an awful groan and shuddered to a creaky halt. Surprised screeches pealt the air as fellow ride-goers panicked at the sudden stop. Clarke only just managed to swallow her own startled shriek, instinctively reaching out to the closest thing to her.

Which of course, was Lexa.

She wasn't scared enough to not notice the little squeak Lexa emitted when she had latched onto her arm. Or the way the other girl stiffened immediately upon contact, not quite cringing away.

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