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We're getting ready now for our fanmeeting in L.A. Sitting infront of a mirror like always, brushes brush my face here and there. Slight panic noises coming from everywhere.

"Dude!" Jimin called my attention.


"Have you seen that pretty girl earlier?"

"PARK JIMIN!" a loud thin voice echoed the dressing room.

You're so dead, jamless boy

I saw him slowly turn his head where his girlfriend is through the mirror. I chuckled at the future scene playing in my head, starring Park Jimin and Lee Seoyoung.

"Y-yes, my princess?"

"I'm not buying your sweet words. What did you just ask Taehyung oppa, huh?"

"Huh? Oh.. that. uh, nothing."

She went to him and grabbed a throw pillow near her and throw it to him. "Nothing?! nothing? Alright." She took her bag and started walking away.

"Hey.. where are you going?"

"Out. Going to find a cute guy on the streets. Maybe today's my day."

"Ya! Lee Seoyoung! Don't you dare look for another man." then he looked at me. "Tae, did you hear her?" I just nodded at his childish expression.

"Look who's talking when in fact, he's the one who looks to other girls." She spatted.

He stood up from the couch and gave her a backhug. "Babe, I'm just kidding there. I'm not looking at other girls for me. They're for Tae. Why would you think I'll do that? Why will I waste my time when I already have the best?"

"Yeah.. yeah. You're making it more obvious, jamless boy." Yoongi hyung butted in. Everybody laughed.

"Hyung... you're not making any help."

"Who says I'm helping you?"

Another bunch of laughter bursted again before our manager stepped in and everything died down. "Okay, guys... we're about to start."






I distanced my phone from my ear. I definitely know who this caller is.

"Seoyoung-ah.. quiet down. They might hear you."

"Oops.. sorry. hehe."

"Alright. What is it?"

"Guess what? I'm in L.A!"

"Oh.. you're with them I see." I sound uninterested.

"Huh? You know the boys are here?"

I nodded even if I know she can't see it. "Yeah.."

"How?! Ya! Are you stalking them again? Huh? huh?" her voice is teasing.

"Of course not! Why would I?"

"Then how did you know?"

"There's these existing words called international fans, that's why. And which are happened to be my friends."

"Oh... well.. since you already know, there's no need for me to tell it."

"Yeahh... hey, wanna meet up?"

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