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After we got into the little house they rented for us to stay for a week and put our belongings on our respective rooms, we decided to start our tour.

"Where off to first, hyung?" Jungkook asked Yoongi oppa who's looking at the city's map.

"Hmmm... what do you want to do?" He asked back.

"Aish! I asked a question then you answered me a question. Aigoo~" the maknae whined.

"Well then, let's vote." Jin oppa butted in. He snatched the map from Yoongi oppa and examined it for a while. "Well... there's a nearby amusement park. Also, a mall is just around the corner...... and oh! There's also a beach not far away from here, maybe a half an hour trip if we ride a car. So.... what's your choice?"

"Amusement park!!!" Jungkook announced.

"Me too but I'm not riding a rollercoaster." Hoseok oppa said.

"Beach for me!" Jimin oppa smirked.

"Eh~ you just want there because of the girls' outfits. Byuntae!" Hoseok oppa teased him. Everybody chuckled.

"Of course not! I just want to go there. It's been a while since I went to a beach, you know." He retaliated.

Hoseok oppa rolled his eyes in response. "Whatever."

"How 'bout you Namjoon?" Jin oppa asked.

"I'll be fine wherever you want to go as long as it's fun." He simply answered.

"Same here." Yoongi and Taehyung oppa added.

"Okay... so we have three votes for amusement park, which includes me and two votes for the beach. How about you girls. Where do you wanna go?" He looked at us.

"Uhmmm...." I started.

"Of course Seoyoung will be going with me. Right?" Jimin butted in and put his arm around her shoulders. Yoongi oppa immediately swatted away his arm around hers. "Yah! Don't involve Seoyoung with your dirty plans." They started teasing him again.

"Jimae-ah, how about you?" They now drifted their attentions to me, like I'm answering a million-dollar question.

"Well... I wanted to go to the beach too..."

"Yesss!!!!" Jimin oppa interrupted me. He's doing his little victory dance right now.

"...but I want to ride some rides. So... I'll go with the amusement park." I finished my sentence. Jimin oppa suddenly stopped dancing as he heard my decision. I felt a little guilty for disappointing him. Everybody started laughing at him, including Taehyung oppa who totally became quiet ever since the car ride here.

"Well then.... amusement park it is. Gaja!!!"


We arrived at the amusement park not long after. Our eyes was so fed up with so many rides we can ride and different prices to win.

"I know that all of us wants to take different rides right now. So, to make this easy, we have to split up into groups. Since we're nine in all, three groups must have two persons and the remaining three must stick together. So... who's with who? Namjoon's with me." Jin oppa commanded everyone like he's their parent.

"I'm taking Seoyoung with me. Lezzz gooooo Youngie~" Jimin oppa grabbed my bestfriend's hands and ready to walk away from us but Jin oppa stopped them. "Not so fast, Park Jimin. We're still not done yet. Stay here." He demanded which Jimin oppa obeyed.

"Yah! Why do you always want to take Seoyoung with you?" Namjoon oppa asked him.

"Nothing. I just want to. I think she's fun to be with." He answered which earned him teases from the other guys.

I smiled to myself while looking at my bestfriend. She's slightly blushing from all of what's happening right now and take note, Jimin oppa's still holding her hands. She may look calm on the outside but I'm a thousand percent sure that she's already hyperventilating in the inside. Who wouldn't be? Her bias wants to spend some time with her, just the two of them in this slightly crowded place. Holding hands is a bonus.

"What if Seoyoung doesn't want to be with you? What if she wants to be with the others?" Yoongi oppa added.

"Doubt it. She wants to be hangout with me. Right, Seoyoungie?" He faced her and did some aegyo. Aww~ he looks so cute. I know for sure that she can't resist his aegyo. That's her weakness.

And I was right. She nodded as a response and Jimin hugged her from happiness which got her startled from his action. He must've noticed it too so he quickly broke the hug. I can see a little blush from his cheeks.

"Uhmm... we're going now. Adios amigos!" He declared and connected their hands again together then started walking away.

"Yah! Don't do anything on her and always look at your phone. Call us when something happens. Meet us here before dawn. Ara?!" Jin oppa reminded them especially Jimin oppa on what to do. He's shouting because they are slowly getting farther from us. Jimin oppa just showed a thumbs up from his free hand as an answer, not even looking at us. Good thing that we're on the countryside so no one fully recognizes them or else false issues will spread out.

"I'll go with Yoongi hyung. I know that he won't be doing anything scary and extreme so I know that I'll be safe with him." Hoseok oppa told everyone. He's such a scaredy cat.

"Alright. Then off you go. That makes the three of you to go together." He pointed at me, Taehyung oppa and Jungkook. "Would that be okay, Jimae?" He looked at me. I just nodded in response. I don't have a choice anyway if I say no.

"We'll leave you guys now. Don't forget everything I told you." Jin oppa reminded us before he and Namjoon oppa walk away. He's really such a good hyung. He really does looks out for his dongsaengs.

"Let's go hyung!" Hoseok oppa happily told Yoongi oppa while dragging him from his wrist. We heard Yoongi oppa grunted from all the noises Hoseok oppa is making right now. He's such a fluffball of sunshine. ^^

"Well... that leaves me, you and hyung." Jungkook said the obvious.

"Where do you want to go first, noona?" He looked at me, waiting for my answer.

"Anywhere is fine." I simply answered.

"How about you hyung?"

"Just go wherever you want. I'll just follow along." He answered uninterestedly.

"Okay! If you say so. Gaja!!!" Jungkook grabbed my hand and started skipping like a kid. This boy surely likes here. I can't blame him. He's been staying inside their dorm or if not in their practice room mostly the whole day so him going to places where people especially in his age is like a paradise to him.

I smiled to myself while observing the person I'm with right now. Who would've thought inside this manly-built body still lies a cheerful and youthful soul of a normal nineteen year-old guy who seeks for fun and pure happiness.

I just let him drag me along with him wherever he wants to go. I looked behind me and saw a quiet Taehyung trailing us from behind.

It's seems weird to me. I never imagined that the Kim Taehyung can be this quiet and serious.

I decided to break away from Jungkook's grip for a while and went to Taehyung oppa. I grabbed his arm which got him shocked. I dragged him to where Jungkook is.

I linked my left arm with Taeyung oppa and did the same to my right with Jungkook.

I just hope that Taehyung will turn back to the same person he is and is the reason why I stan him.

I hope nothing's wrong him so we can have a very fun and memorable vacation.

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