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"L.A baby~" Hoseok hyung cheered as soon as we exited the airport.

"Ya! Can you just be normal for a day? You're too loud." Yoongi hyung scolded him which earned some laughs from us.

"Okay... First, we check in to the hotel so we can put our luggage then eat something. Then you guys have the whole day after. Just don't exhaust yourself too much because you have a schedule tomorrow. Is that clear?"

"Ne." We all answered to our manager.

On the ride to the hotel, I just looked outside the window, ignoring the lovebirds beside me.

Yeah... Seoyoung came with us. I never thought our manager would even allow her. Well... I know that Jimin did everything he can do to persuade him.

Back to my story... *sighs* L.A.. been a long time since I went here. Nothing much changed. You're still the bright and lively city I remembered. At least you're still the same, unlike me. I've been like you before, the bright and lively person I always am, but not anymore. It's not that I'm a very dull one now, it's just... not the same as before.

How I wish that this trip will give me new memories that will make me a new person or if not, just bring the old Taehyung back.



"Hey Jimae!" Someone called my attention while I'm on my way to my locker. I halted and turned around to see my friend, Lizzy.

"Hey, Liz, wassup?" I waited for her to reach me.

"You won't believe it."

"Believe what?"

Instead of answering me, she squealed.

I chuckled at her actions. "Yeah yeah... squeal first before telling me. Why? Does Tim finally asked you out?"

"No! It's much better than that."

"Oookay... then what is it that it makes you so giddy up like that?"

She looked left and right before looking back at me. "BTS IS IN L.A~!"

My smiled turned into frown as the news was thrown to me.

"Oh." That's all I managed to say.

"Hey.. what's with the reaction? Didn't you tell me you love them too? Aren't you happy they're in the same continent as us?" She must've noticed my sudden change of mood.

"Huh? Uh... yeah. I'm happy, of course. It's just.. I'm surprised."

She hugged me. "I know right! Me too! That's why we're going to their fanmeet in L.A! How cool was that, huh?"

"WHAT?!" My eyes went larger than I can ever imagined.

She smiled. "You're welcome!"

"NO!" I bursted.

She backed away a little from me. "What?"

"No. I don't want to go."

"Huh? Why? I already bought tickets for us."

"I... I have something to do at home. My mom told me to do the chores."

"I can tell her that you're coming with me. I'm sure she'll allow you."

"No! Why don't you just bring Jenny or Kim or... or Trixie?"

"Come on, Mae.. you know why I want to go with you. You're the only person who can understand me with my craziness over these boys, especially Jin." She eyed me. "Why? Is there something going on? Huh?"

"What? N-no.. No! What makes you say that?"

"Well.. I dunno. Maybe because of the way I'm acting right now."

"Oh.. don't be such a nonsense, Liz. I just don't want to go. That's all."

She kneeled infront of me which got me surprised. "Mae!!!! Please oh please oh please oh please!! Let's go there~ My husband is waiting for me~"

I looked around and some students are already looking at us. "Lizzy, for Pete's sake, stand up. We're already gathering attention." I tried to get her up, but she puts too much weight on her, making her harder for me to lift.

"No! I'm not standing up until you agree to go with me. I don't give a single fuck if they're looking at me like I'm a piece of shit."

A Seokjin biased but an attitude of Yoongi.

"I told you Liz, I'm not going."

"Well then... guess I'll be following you wherever you go, still kneeling."

"Don't be ridiculous. I know you can't do that."

"Make me."

This girl never quits until she gets what he wants.

As what she told me, she did follow me around, kneeling. I feel sorry for her knees.

I'm feeling guilty for declining her because I know how much she wanted to see them. Don't get me wrong, I want to see them too. I badly want to but I just don't. I'm still not ready. I don't know what will happen if we meet again. I'm scared that I'll screw up everything, everything that took me a long time to gather up together again.

I'm living a happy life now, a life that is different from the past.

I looked at my friend for a few seconds. I then closed my eyes and sighed. "Fine."


"I-I'll go with you."

She stood up as quick as lightning. "Really?!" I nodded.

"You serious?!" she squealed again

"Yeah yeah.. now shut up before I changed my mind."

"Aye aye, captain!" She saluted. She grabbed my hands and dragged me somewhere. "C'mon, let's get pack for our mini trip tomorrow."

"Wait! I have to put this in my locker first."

"Oh yeah... hehe. My bad."

I just hope I won't regret this.

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