CHAPTER 21 - 아직은 아니야 (NOT YET)

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I went home after an hour of of teasing and flirting with Jimae, which I found fun because she's up to my weirdness.

Jimin entered our room and sat beside me. "Sup, bro!!"

"Hey~" I smiled at him widely.

"How's it?" He asked.

"What it?"

"You know... you... Jimae... together..." he smirked.

I think I know what this idiot's thinking.

"Ahhhh... dunno.. I've been with Seoyoung the whole time since you and Jungkook left." I answered seriously.


"What?" I asked. "Did you know that she likes gummy bears and cheese?"


"And did you also know that she loves watching 'Weekly Idol'? And oh!!! She looks cuter when she's laughing." I continued. I looked at him and I saw his face getting redder.

"And oh! Did you know that---"


I just smirked at him and continued teasing him.

"She's such a very cute girl." I continued.

"Ya!! What have you done with my girl?"

I just smirked.

"Yah!!" He held the collar of my shirt.

"What?" I asked again.

"Don't you dare lay a finger on my girl or you'll regret making me give you time with Jimae." He looked so furious right now.

I laughed at his reaction. "Chill, bruh!! I'm just kidding."

He calmed down a bit. "You should be."

"Chill~ Seoyoung's out of my league so there's nothing for you to worry about." I assured him.

"Whatever. So what happened? That's what we're talking about before you fucking teased me of your fucking unfunny joke."

"Gosh, Jimin.. you react too much. It's just a damn joke."

"I know. But we're talking about Seoyoung here, you know. What if I did that to your girlfriend?"

"Girlfriend?" I asked.

He nodded. "Uh-huh... Jimae... girlfriend. Duh."


"What? Did I say something wrong?"

I nodded. "She's not my girlfriend, bruh!"

"She's not?" I nodded.

"Gosh! Why so slow, Tae?! I already helped you yet you didn't even do anything worthy of my help."

"I ain't like you, Chim."

"What are you trying to say? I'm a flirt?"

"Uhhmmm.. are you not?"

"Yah!! I'm not. Only Seoyoung's in here." He pointed on his chest.

"There?" I acted like I'm finding her. "She won't fit in there, man."

"The heck!!! Why are so dumb today?"

"Am not. I'm just in the mood to." I answered.

"Wae? Did something good happen?"

"Dunno... maybe?"

"Yah~~ malhaebwa!!!" He shook my shoulders.

I told him everything that happened after they left. He didn't bother interrupting me while I'm telling the whole story.


"Yah! Yah! You sound like a girl right now! Geumanhae. I'm starting to think why Seoyoung ever dated you."

"Because she loves me." He gave me an eyesmile.

"Aishh~ don't act cute infront of me. You ain't cute."

"Ara. Only Jimae's cute in your eyes."


"But seriously, when will you make your move, man?"


"You know, you better do it sooner coz you ain't alone. Jin hyung and Jungkook's always there, waiting for their right time to move."

"Why do you sound like this is a battle between life and death?"

"Because it is."

"Jimae's ain't a prize to battle for." I retaliated.

"Ara. But whether you admit it or not, we both know that you want to win, right?" I nodded.

"See? So better get your ass ready for a not so easy battle with the maknae and hyung. You know that they're both close with her especially Jungkook. And whatever that maknae wants, he always gets it whatever it takes."

"I know. I don't need reminders."

"Maybe you should so you can get your thoughts together."

"Easy for you to say because you already got yours."

"Because no one from us likes her but me. And that's a good thing."

"You sure 'bout that?"

He creased his forehead. "Huh?"

"You don't know?"

"About what?"

"Oh my... you really don't know?"

"Will I ask if I do?"

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes.

"You gonna tell me or not?"

"Alright. Alright! Gosh! You're so impatient today, Chim. Did you and Seoyoung fight?"

"Ani. I'm just like that because she's involved. Tell me now."

"Okay... uhmmm... a week ago, I heard Yoongi hyung and Namjoon hyung talking. I don't what they're talking about but I heard Seoyoung's name in it."

He looked at me seriously. "Gawd... if you're gonna eavesdrop at someone else's conversations, do it better. You aren't a good spy."

"Mian. It's not my intention to eavesdrop. I just passed by them when I heard it."

"Oh yeah?!" I nodded.

"Then care to explain why you're the only one awake when we're on the ride home back from vacation and looking intently at Jin hyung and Jimae while they're talking?" He smirked while asking.


He chuckled. "Thought I don't know?"


"C'mon Tae... I know everything you do. I was awake the whole time too."

"S-so you heard their whole conversation?" He nodded.

"But why----"

"Why I asked Jin hyung that?" He cut me off.   I nodded.

"Because I know you're wondering and you don't know the answer. But I do. I just want to tell you but I don't want it to come from my mouth."

"I don't know if I should thank you or what."

He patted my shoulder. "You're welcome!" Then he smiled at me. "Jalja! (Let's sleep!) And let's start tomorrow."

"Start what?"

"Aish!!! Just... follow me. Ara! I'm done with your dumbness."

"Arasseo. Arasseo. Goodnight!"

"Night, Tae!"

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