Adopted by Werewolves, what could possibly go wrong? 26

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sorry for the lack of updates, i know i've said that a million times for this story, and again, sorry.  if anybody's got any random ideas for this i'd be happy to hear them.

this is the only idea i've gotten in a while so sorry if its bad, i figured it was better than nothing

A Vampire walked up to me and asked me what perfume I was wearing. I told him I wasn't wearing any. He told me I smelled delicious. Good enough to eat. I shuddered.

For some reason one of the Vampires started talking to me. If I didn't know any better I'd of thought he was trying to flirt with me.

I was trying to eat my lunch.

"So whats your favorite color?"


"Favorite food?"

"Steak. Well done."

"Favorite sport?"


"For what?"

"You didn't know?"

"Know what?"

"I'm the third Winchester child."

His face became an expression that I couldn't read, but it was halarious. I laughed.

I took my second bite of steak.

"So where'd Sam and Dean?"

"Sams probably having fun with his Demon bitch. I don't know where Dean is.Probably killing something."

"Sams going out with Ruby?"

"And the Hunter fell in love with the Demon."

"Not for the first time." I said.


"Buffy and Spike."

"But Buffy was the Slayer. Not the Hunter. And Spike was a Vampire, not a Hunter."

"Its still not right." I muttered.

"So why are you here?"

"My Alpha sent me." I told him. "You?"

"My dad says I need 'expand my horizons.' or something equally lame."

"What a great father."

"As far as Vampire parents go."

"Do you miss your father son time?"


"You know, go out at night, then both feed from the same poor bastard."


"Or did you have a Sire?"

"Thats not funny."

"Really? Its halarious to me." Then I added, "Was it Cullen?"

He growled.

"You hate Twilight." I guessd.

"I despise it." He corrected me.

I guessed right.

"What about Werewolves?"

"Well what about them?"

"Your the Vampire, you tell me. How old are you?"

"Old enough." He muttered.

"How old?" I asked again.

"Are you going to let this go?"

"Hm." I said, preteding to consider it. "No."

"I'm old enough to have seen the time of palaces and kings." He said finally.

"So hows eternal life working out for you?"

"Its weird. Hard to keep up with the times." He said.


"I fought in he Civil War."  He said after a while.

"Why are you using that as an example?"

"Its the only one you would know about."


"So tell me, what do you think of the fashion trends?"

"Its improved and worsened throughout the ages."

"So, are you a vegetarian or are you a normal vampire?"

He laughed at this. "Vampire."

"What kind?"

"The only kind."

"Twilight, Nightworld, or Anne Rice Vampire?"

He growled at me. "Vampire."

"Chill man. Why are you even talking to me?"

"it was a dare." He admitted.

"Or was it because you couldn't get one of your own kind to go out with you?"

"Shut up." He snarled.

"I'm so scared." I said in a flat voice.

He laughed.

"Your not scared I'm going to drink your blood?"

"Like you would dare."

We both laughed.

I had no idea why I was talking to him.

"So, are the Vampire girls better than the human ones?"

That question floored him for a moment. "They can hit you a lot harder thats for sure."

I snickered.

"Isn't your girlfriend going to get pissed because your talking to a human?"

"I'm talking to a human." He stated. "I'm talking to food."

"Uh-huh." I rolled my eyes.

The bell rang and we parted ways. I went outside and drew stuff up in a tree. Below me two unicorns were going at it.

A witch came towards me. I eyed her warily. She wanted me to try out her new spell. A flying car. I am telling you, that tree came out of nowhere, that car crashed itself, and its not my fault my shirt was extremly flamable. She owes me a new shirt! Thankfuly the shirt was still intact-the botton half got burned but the top was fine.

For some reason some faries tried to kill me with a couple tons of flowers. I ended up with like three of them up my nose. People, getting flowers up your nose is a pain.

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