Adopted by Werewolves, what could possibly go wrong? 16

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Great, i go from living with Werewolves, to Living with my Vampire sister, then I find out my best friend who I thought was dead is a Vampire, find out my older brother who tried to kill me is a Vampire, and now I'm livng with a Coven of Witches. Can today get any better? (If you've read this far, you know the answer by now people)

I didn't pack anything this time either because Witches wore differnet clothing. They weren't the green- skinned, wart-faced Witches you saw on the TV. They were much worse. Harry Potter was a better portryal of how they were-just think of Bellaxtrix Lestrange, or any Death Eater really-and there you have it. Except that all Witches were girls. Some genetic fluke that only allowed the woman to have the art of Witchcraft.

Rule number one when living with Witches-never piss one off

Rule number two when living with Witches-no touchy when they say no touchy

Rule number three-Witches and  Werecats get along really well so be nice to Werecat

Rule number four-never piss one off

Rule number five-never accept any weird-color liquids from a Witch that hates you.

It wasn't that bad really.  Now, let me introduce you to my new family.

Fathin, the witch with the deep purple eyes, bottomless pits of something you couldn't quite place, and thick long black hiar that hid her face, save for her purple eyes, peering at you through the dark veil of her black hair, her eyes full of something, you just didn't know what.

Hekate, the Witch with green-black eyes, that when you looked hard enough, you would swear the the black and the green were swirling around in her eyes like the coils of mist, Hekate, the Witch who's swirling eyes made you think of evil spirits moving in a crystal ball, Hekate, the Witch who could summon demons so easily it wasn't even funny.

And for the record, those two were th decent ones.

Then you had Matty, she was messed up in the head. She kept trying to create some kind of Werewolf Vampire hybrid. I'd seen all the Underwold movies so I knew this was not going to end well.

And frankly, she was the lest messed up of the twelve in this Coven.

They had some weird issue with the number in a Coven being anything other than Twelve. This Coven had twelve because I didn't count due to the fact that I wasn't a Witch. Rasist. They counted me as a Werewolf. Even more Rasist. Who knew Witches were so rasist?

They got me a four headed dragon-dog named Mappy. It was a dragon-dog because it was a poodle with wings that farted fire. Don't ask me how or why but it had puppies that spit fire. Those puppies kept confusing me with kibble.

was it the really nice-smelling shampoo I was using?

Don't ask me how it happened exactly but this insane goblin tried to kill me becaus supposeldy I stole his peanuts-for the sake of my innocence i hope he was saying peanuts-and he was determined to find where the heck i'd stashed them.

The Witchers came in and saved me from the freaking insan Gobling that was now trying to bite me-never let a Goblin bite you, its not going to end well. Not many people are stupid enough to mess with a Witch. Then again, Human boys were the only ones stupid enough to fall for a Witch-for the record, most Witches ate thier lovers. it never ended well for the guy who fell in love with a Witch. They always either ended up dead or becoming terrorists-aside from that one dude who joined the mafia-but still, its weird.

Witches loved to mess with guys. They usually got away with it because the poor fellow was always committed to an asylum later. Hekatake was famous for turning a lot of guys into serial killers.

I don't remember who, but there was one Witch who always made her lovers burn down the local College or University in whatever state she just happened to be in when she found her next victim.

Then there was this one witch who kept causing issues for humans-no,seriously, every war mankind fought was her doing. She was good at making war.

There was one Witch, she came up with every illness known to man. I can't prounounce her name thought I'm not Italian. She was still mocking Humans because they hadn't figured out the cure to cancer. She was freaking pissed when the cure to the swine flue as discovered though. So she made cancer a lot better. Cancer was her favorite disease, second to AIDS so thats why there was no cure for those two. There were rumors that she as working on some kind of illness that came from staying in  a car too long but that one made no sene

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