Adopted by Werewolves, what could possibly go wrong? 18

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After about a week I went back home-I didn't see that one comming-and it was just weird to be back home after so long.

Heidi went wolf on me and tried to lick me to death-thankfully, Emilio, my knight in furry armor showed up and saved me. Great, there go my pants. (Note to self:buy new pants)

 Emilio kidnapped me again-where are you going to hide me this time?-and somehow I think I'm a bad scarecrow.

Emilio went crazy trying to hide me again-heck, he built an attic and hid me there-convienent that no one noticed.

I didn't get any mail from my sister for a while though.

Instead I got mail from my brother. Oh goy. He wanted me to go over and stay with him. I think i'm going to have to run myself over with a bus because I was stupid enough to say yes. You thought living with my sister was bad? Wait until you see my brother.

Adopted by Werewolves, what could possibly go wrong?Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu