Adopted by Werewolves, what could possibly go wrong? 17

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It was weird to live with Witches even more than it was to live with Werewolves or Vampires. Witches were....shall we say the peope you went to when you wanted to poison or kill someone and vice-versa? They specialized in conguring things up-demons to haunt enemies mostly and cursing enemies. you never wanted a Witch to be mad at you.

The Witches mostly ignored me and went about thier own buisnees. It was like I didn't exisist. It was better to have Witch ignore you and have no reason to hate you than to have one watching you all day wishing you were dead. Witches had very complex loyalites, you never knew wich way they were going to swing. Witches were only loyal to thier own kind, and even then they would shower you with  gifts on Samahein-Humans called it Halloween-and then poison you two minutes later.

I stayed out of thier way and made myself scarce when they started arguing, but I did do some things. Hekate, the strongest of this Coven, took an instant liking to me for some reason. We became friends. Friendship among Witches was a tricky thing. You befreind one Witch, and whoever her enemies were, well, there your enemies as well now, and the same goes for thier friends. Hekate was the strongest in the Coven, so you could say that her word was law. No one tried to kill me, but they did hate me, they could do that much.

Three days later Hekate did something that ripped my world appart. She gave me permission to attend the forming of thier Circle.  You have to understand, this would be like an Athiest being Invited to a Mormon temple, and then the Athiest pulls out a bomb, praises some Muslim Extremist group and blows up the Temple. That would be about the same thing, but since Hekate was one of the three most powerful Witches alive, no one said anything. They may have given me glares, but they were polite because they feared the wrath that Hekate would unleash on them if anything happened to me. I was a guest, but I was an unwelcome one, and I knew that perfectly well. The Witches had two choices, endure my presense here and force out greetings through clenched teeth and stay on Hekate's good side, or be openly hostile towards me and shame one of the three most poweful Witches alive, therefore inviting her wrath.

They were nice to me openly, but I'm sure they muttered the incantions to the Spells they wanted to curse me with when Hekate's back was turned.

The ritual began. The Witches made all thier individual powers one. They made sacrifices-If you ever say that a Witch is assosiated with the Devil, then you better hope that her Coven is actually affiliated with the Devil and makes sacrifices for him or your in for it-to the Devil, and some to powerful Spirits that they wished to Summon or bring here for advice and help, or sometimes they brought back dead relatives and talked to them on this sacred night.

A few spirits were Summoned, but the scariest thing happened when they invoked the last spirit. The First Witch. The woman that first held the Spell.  Her power was terrifying as was beautiful. She held power over all Witches. Every witch donated some of her daly power in order to use the arts of The First Witch. She was beautiful as she was terrifying. She unleashed waves of power so pure it took everyone's breath away. Her silver eyes scanned the crowd, her body engulfed in a silvery snaking Mist that surrounded her. If that mist touched you, one of three things would happen, you would be greatly honored, Cursed, or killed. Everyone was tense as the mist snakes through the crowd. The First Witch did something that made all the Witches boil with rage. She Branded me. I know had some of her power within me. Cries of rage shot up.

"Silence!" The First Witch boomed. "I give this Outside the power as a gift. As a gift because she is one of the few outsiders not to shun our ways!" The power of her words smashed down on us all like a ton of icy water, but we stayed standing. The First Witch touched my chest, where my heart was, I felt like something had been ripped out of my body, I gasped. Everyone gasped. The First Witch left with a monsterous last wave of her power.

The Witches explained this to me afterward. Let me just give you the simple version. If any of the Witches did anything to me, they did that same thing to the First Witch herself.  The Witches had to respect me as one of thier own now, and through that, the Werewolves because I was one of them. I was human, but because of my Pack, I was considered part of that Pack, I had been granted a gift, my Pack was given the same respect as well.

They were all nicer to me now, but It wasn't because of the gift. It was because now I was considered one of them. They only watched out for thier own, and that now extended to include me. I was one of the Coven now.

That night, under the full moon, they held the Ceremony that offficially made me one of that Coven, the Alpha of my Pack attended as well. The Allegience was formed. If I was ever in any trouble, the Witches woud be under obligation to help me, and if the Witches were in trouble, My Pack would help them, call it returning the favor for helping me. My name among the Witches was no long Juliana. It was Diana, and for the Witches, that name meant The Blessed One.

Diana Silver Circle. Diana was the name I would be recognized by among all Witches, and my Circle, the rank of my Coven, the Silver Circle. I was the first outside in a few milenia to be granted this honor.

My world was being ripped appart. I knew that the honor was great, but something was twisting inside me, breaking. Some part of me had been taken by the Witches. I wasn't going to get it back. The next few days were crazy. I was considered one of them now, so now no one was hostile towards me, there was still Witch on Witch hating, but you hated only one Witch from the Coven, you didn't hate the Coven. No one had any reason to hate me, but oh, they had plenty of reason to be jealous.

They'd spent years mastering the Arts of the First Witch, hoping to bring honor to her name, and here, the outsider had been granted the greatest Honor that could be granted to a Witch.

Before this, my statushere had been the status of refugee, and now I was a natural born citizen as far as they were concernd, I was just a Witch with no Spark. The Witches that weren't granted powers were never shamed. It was only the ones that had thier powers taken away that were shamed.

What had started out as just a trip to see my sister had ended in this. I didn't know if this was a curse or a gift.

I knew what Witches would take as insults, compliements, signs of respect.... I knew a lot about thier culture because the Alpha of my pack siad that I needed to know more than one culture just in case I had to travel for some reason and didn't accidentally offend someone.

There were Witches that still hated me, but they tried to gain my favor now that I had more standing here than I'd had ten seconds ago. I had to figure some things out first, but for now I resolved to stay on the good side of as many Witches as i could. This was getting crazy. This was getting out of hand.

I kept thinking about my brother and sister. I knew because of the Witches that my sister was alive and well, and my brother had left her home. I could ask them for as many favors as I wanted, but any person would get mad after you'd asked them for too many. So far i'd only asked for one favor. I was resolved to keep the number as low as I could.

They celebrated the fact that I was now one of them the next day. Whenever a Witch found her Coven, it was always a reason to celebrate. Until the Witch found her just say the Coven was like the family, so lets put it this way-the Witch ran away from her family then came back. I made a mental not to figure out how this whole thing worked and ask a Witch later because I didn't get how this worked. Stupid me.

Witches had some really weird addiction to wine, so they all laughed meerrily-not an insult jeer, it was just something funny that had happened-when I tasted the wine. agh, nasty. Never try wine from Witches. Get it from the Goblins-trust me, Goblins make good wine, not Witches.

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