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A/N: Reading the comments are my favorite. Flamingos. Pokesexual.

Are you guys okay??

"You're saying you're leaving..." Anthony asked, staring at me from across our lunch table.

"I literally... Yes." I laughed, having already said my plan.

"You're gonna miss prom! Ian and I were gonna rent the four of us a limo..."

"Four of us?" I questioned.

"Well... At the time, we had thought we were going with Phil and PJ." Ian answered for him. "But now if you're taking Phil, we can all go."

"Double date." Anthony added.

I rolled my eyes. "Phil is going to Texas. He won't be here for prom."

"Why is he going to Texas?"

"He has an interview with NASA." I explained.

Anthony and Ian looked shocked. "That's amazing." Ian complimented.

"He's leavings Friday... And I'm going to go with him."

"Wait, what?" Anthony's eyebrows furrowed.

I turned to Anthony. "I'm going to school in Texas."

"What! I thought we were going to school together?" He sighed, looking at the table.

"You could come too. We all could." I proposed. They both shook their heads.

"Dan. Think about this. We've been planning this since freshman year. Texas?" Anthony tried to convince me.

Ian nodded and continued. "And what if Phil doesn't make i-"

"He's going to." I stopped him. "He will."

"I'm just saying. Here he comes now." Ian pointed out.

I smiled as Phil took a seat next to me. "What are we talking about?" He asked, noting our immediate silence when he arrived.

"Prom." Anthony responded.

"How we think you should go." Ian finished.

"Maybe if I get in, they'll let me go." Color boy shrugged. "I don't know."

"When you get in..." I held his hand and gave it a light squeeze. "And you still want to go, I'd be happy to take you." Phil squeeze my hand back.

"Well, aren't we just a table of gays."

The four of us all looked at PJ at the same time, studying him as he took a seat next to Ian. "Who knew that my best friend and my ex-boyfriend would be dating."

I glanced to Anthony, and he caught my eye. "PJ, you know Dan liked him first." He said, noting my plead for help.

PJ rolled his eyes. "Lookit how cute they are together. And they've only known each other for two months."

Phil squeezed my hand under the table. "Purple." He muttered.

I took a deep breath. "Why don't you just go away, Peej. No one wants you here."

PJ's head turned sharply towards me. "I thought we were great friends, Dan. I thought you were finally starting to take my hints."

"The only hint I'm getting from you is that you don't plan to leave us alone."

Ian sighed. "Just go."

PJ stood, staring at me as if he put a knife in my stomach. "See you around."

"What. A. Creep." Anthony noted after PJ left.

Colorful | Phan | CompletedWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt