Pretty Girl

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Kendall has always been a pretty girl. You always knew that. But you never thought of her as anything else more than friends. However, one night, everything changes.

"Yeah, I'm not interested in him. I just like hanging out with him, but as a friend, you know?" You nod. Somehow it infuriates you so much that all the guys that Kendall hangs out with want to fuck her. You know if they could and if the model gave them one chance, they wouldn't waste any time. You don't blame them though. I mean, look at Kendall. She's so pretty. Who wouldn't want to be with her? "I don't understand why guys have to be such assholes," She mumbles and takes a bite out of her sandwich.

"Me neither," You clench your jaw. You don't know why are you feeling like this. Why are you so mad? Why the mere thought of some random guy's eyes lingering on Kendall too long makes your blood boil? Is this jealousy? You hate feeling jealous, but you really can't help it. You are so fucking jealous right now. Kendall quickly notices that something's off.

"Are you feeling okay? You seem tense," Her worried eyes lock with yours.

"Yeah, yeah," You gulp. "I'm just not hungry anymore," You leave your sandwich on the counter.

"Are you sure? Is there something you want to tell me?" Fuck. You do.

"I'm fine," You repeat and take a sip of your water. She eyes at you suspiciously but lets it go.

"Yes Y/N! I'm telling you. He was totally staring at you!" Hailey, one of your best friends, tells you. She just arrived at Ken's house for girls' night. Two nights before, you went to a small reunion with the blonde and it seems like a guy was interested in you. You don't even know who he is but you are not interested in meeting him at all.

"Hey guys, what are you talking about?" Kendall appears out of nowhere. She has just gotten out of the shower and has a towel wrapped around her body, leaving little for the imagination. Some drops of water are still sliding through her body and you can't help but stare. Her hair is damp and it seems like that towel is going to fall anytime soon. You actually kinda want that to happen. Okay, what the fuck are those thoughts? Kendall's just your friend. First, all the jealousy stuff and now this? Get yourself together.

"Oh, I was telling Y/N that the other day, when we went to this reunion, there was a really handsome guy gazing so lovingly at her," The blonde giggles mocking you. But Kendall is not laughing at all and her arms are crossed defensively over her chest. "Anyway, he is so shy and wants so bad to meet you that he talked to me and I arranged a date for the two of you, tonight!" She says excitedly.

"What!?" Both you and Kendall exclaim at the same time.

"Tonight?" You ask.

"Yeah, I mean you have been single for so long... and how long has it been since you hooked up with someone?" Hailey asks and you just look at the floor because you know she is right. But actually, you haven't go on any dates because you haven't feel interested by anyone. You haven't had that enthusiasm of talking to someone new, or that sweet anxiety that they may cause you. You just haven't feel anything at all. Until today.

"I don't think you should go, Y/N. You don't even know that guy! He could be a killer or who knows what. I think you should stay here tonight instead," Kendall states.

"What are you saying Kendall? Let the girl have some fun. Are you going to lock her up in your room? If I didn't know you I'd say you are jea..." The model sends a death glare to Hailey and with that she shuts her up.

"I think Kenny's right, I should stay. I really appreciate what you did for me Hails, but I don't really feel like going out," Kendall lets out a sigh of relief. "What should I say to this guy, though? I don't want to stood him up,"

"You don't have to say anything," Kendall rolls her eyes as she states this.

"He already has your number, so text him and tell him you are not feeling well," Hailey shrugs her shoulders.

"What do you mean he has her number?" The model says protectively and maybe a little too aggressively. She is frowning hard too.

"I gave it to him," The blonde mentions with a guilty smile.

"You are fucking unbelievable," Kendall exclaims and you feel butterflies in your stomach as soon as those words come out of her mouth. She's acting like a jealous girlfriend even though she is just your friend. Then she storms off to change into her clothes.

"What the fuck is wrong with her?" Hailey asks in a low voice.

"I don't know," You whisper.

"I think she's mad at me," Hailey, who is sitting next to you on the couch, tells you. Kendall is sitting on another couch, all by herself, scrolling through her Instagram feed and not even looking at your way once.

"No, I think she's mad at me," You mutter.

"Nah, she is not mad at you. I don't know why but she has a soft spot for you," You glance at the dark haired girl and your eyes lock for a few seconds until her attention returns to her phone again. You can feel some heat on your cheeks meaning you are probably blushing. God, since when Kendall Jenner has this effect on me? "Anyway, I believe I should go. I think Ken doesn't want me around,"

"Wait, are you going to leave me alone with her? Don't you remember she's mad at me too? Do you want her to murder me?" You hiss. Hailey chuckles briefly.

"She's not mad at you, silly. And I'm pretty sure you both will thank me tomorrow," You frown. What the fuck is she talking about? "Ken, I'm leaving, have a good night," She announces.

"Whatever," Kendall utters. God, she's really pissed off. Hailey only rolls her eyes and leaves the place. Then, awkward silence fills the house.

"Are you mad at me?" You softly ask, afraid of disturbing her. She looks at you and her expression softens immediately. She gets up from her spot and sits next to you. Awfully close.

"What are you saying? Of course I'm not mad at you, I'm just mad at all this situation," You frown.

"What situation?"

"Uhmm, you know," The model says shyly. "I didn't really like Hailey giving your number to this guy and arranging the date with a total stranger,"

"Yeah, I didn't like that either," You admit.

You quickly glance up at Kendall's eyes and you are meet with her warm orbs looking back at you so tenderly and caring. Your eyes travel down to her lips and you feel like you should kiss them. You want to kiss them. Damn you need to kiss them. You look back at her eyes which are currently looking at your lips. You decide that it's time to close the distance and you delicately place your lips on hers. You kiss her bottom lip as you feel her reciprocating the kiss. Her hand softly grabs your face as she deepens the kiss. You don't know how nor when but you are laying on the couch, Kendall's on top of you, kinda grinding too, and is kissing you passionately. You have never in your life felt what you are feeling now. This not only feels good but it feels right. It feel like this is what you should have been doing a long time ago.

"God, I like you so much," She breathlessly mutters.

"I like you so fucking much too," You breath. "You know, I always thought you were such a pretty girl, but now I can see that you are much more than that, you are so beautiful,"

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