7.5 billion people pt. I

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92 days

That was all you had to wait until graduation. Only 92 days. Most of the students held some kind of affection towards their graduation but, honestly, you didn't give a fuck. You were so done with school and so ready to head to college. Of course, you'd miss your friends and also you'd realize how many of them were only your friends because you saw each other every day.

Waking up early in the morning was still a torture for you. You brushed your teeth as you saw your sleepy figure in the mirror; your messy hair was begging to be brushed and your body was really asking for a coffee. Today was Tuesday; you weren't a fan of Tuesdays because you had the worst subject with the worst teacher ever: Mr. Evans. He was old and grumpy and he hated you for some reason you still couldn't understand. To make things worse, he taught the worst subject ever, Calculus. You were a pretty good student on all the other subjects but somehow, when it came to Calculus, your brain didn't know how to work properly.

Your phone buzzed announcing that you just received a message from your best friend, Noah. You were really glad that he offered to pick you up in his old muscle car because you didn't feel like walking up to school this early. People were kind of surprised when they found out that you two were friends as you were total opposites. He was a badass and somehow popular while you were just another drop in the sea. Most people thought he was trying to get in your pants but they didn't know that you two practically grew up together, he was basically a brother to you. The distinctive horn of your friend's car interrupted your trail of thoughts and you went outside to meet him.

"Morning," He greeted happily once you entered his car.

"Morning, Noah," You replied lazily as you waited for the caffeine to kick in. "Thanks for the ride,"

"I wanted some quality time with my best friend. I feel like we haven't hang out since forever," You nodded in agreement. "Anyways, I'm going to tell you something that'll make your day a thousand times better,"

"Really?" You said in disbelief as you raised an eyebrow. What could he possibly tell you that would make Calculus any less insufferable?

"Mr. Evans decided to quit so... we are having a new teacher! It's your opportunity to have a fresh start with Calculus, you know?" Noah shrugged his shoulders.

"What? Why did he quit?" This was good news. Finally, that old grumpy man was out of this school and maybe, with a new teacher, you could understand something of the subject.

"A job offer. He'll be earning twice of what he got paid here,"

"How do you know all this stuff? You know what, I don't even want to know," He chuckled at your comment. "Who's the new teacher, anyway? Another old and grumpy man?"

"I don't know much really. I only know she's young," You grinned because young teachers were usually more understanding and sometimes they even taught way better than the old teachers. You wondered how she looked like. You remembered having a slightly hot teacher in your freshman year and the boys went crazy. "So how are things with Kate?" You rolled your eyes at the mention of the blonde.

"You know, same old, same old. She insists on seeing each other but after she played me last year I don't want anything to do with her," You sighed. Kate was unpredictable; she stated she liked you but flirted with everyone who crossed past her. You ended things last year but not too long ago she told you that she had changed. Still, you didn't like her that way anymore and Kate didn't seem to understand that.

"How many times have you rejected her?" He laughed as he entered the parking lot of the school.

"Don't laugh! It's not funny," You glared at him. "But yeah, many times,"

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