About Time

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Guys! Sorry I've been MIA for a while, but I'm back with a oneshot requested by anon: "Could you pls write a oneshot where y/n is in love with Kendall but they are only friends and then she wants to move on and starts going out with another girl and then Kendall gets all jealous and realizes her feelings for y/n? Sorry if it's too complicated to understand, English is not my first language"

"Who are you talking to?" Your friend asks while sitting across the room. You are texting a girl, and you have a silly smile on your face which Kendall obviously notices.

"This girl I met a while ago, she's pretty cool," Kendall frowns and stares at you.

"But are you just friends or are you like seeing each other?"

"We are definitely seeing each other. You'll be seeing her around often I think," Your sexuality is not new for those who are close to you. Everyone knows that you are gay. But not everyone knows that you are madly in love with your friend Kendall Jenner. I mean, who isn't a little bit in love with Kendall anyway? But you have been crushing on her for so long and you were getting tired of suffering. So you decided to put an end to this stupid crush and move on. You started hanging out more with other friends and trying to not spend lot of your time with the model. It fucking hurt but it was the best for you. And you knew she was hurting and missing you too. She did let you know that. But after partying for a while and having your dose of fun, you met Haley and it has definitely helped you to get Kenny out of your head for a while.

"Wait, but this is like serious? Why didn't you tell me?" She grumbles, somehow offended. She's right though; she's your friend after all, you could have tell her. But you guess that you never talk about that so why would you bring it up?

"I don't know, we don't really talk about the 'love-relationship' topic," She never talks about her love life either.

"Who is her? Do I know her?" You are trying to avoid Kendall's gaze because she is starting at you fixedly and it's kind of making you uncomfortable. 

"Mhh I don't think so," You make a brief pause. "Look, I'll be meeting her in 20 minutes, why don't you come with me?"

"I don't know... I have stuff to do," The model shrugs her shoulders.

"Oh I didn't know, sorry, do you want me to go?" You stand up because you thought that you may be bothering her if she has stuff to do. She stops you by holding softly your hand.

"What? No. Stay,"

"I gotta go anyway, but I guess I'll be seeing you tonight?"

"Oh right, Tyga's party... Yeah I will see you there,"

You go to your date with Haley, the girl you are seeing. You decide to invite her to tonight's party and even though she isn't 100% sure about it, she accepts going. For you. You get prepared for Tyga's party and then you go to pick Haley up.

"Hi love," She pecks your lips. "Look, I can't stay for too long tonight," The brunette informs you as soon as she gets in the car.

"Why?" You fake a pout and make some puppy eyes. They always work.

"I've to work tomorrow... You know I would love to stay all night..."

"I know, it's fine. Really. The fact that you are coming with me, even if it's 5 minutes, makes me really happy," You interrupt her and smile at her reassuringly.

Oneshots - Kendall JennerWhere stories live. Discover now